Church and Religion
Psalm 19
Viewed 3696 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Psalm 19
Viewed 3306 times - Created by lamcelroy.


Acts 16:1-15 Come Over and Help Us Summary: Have you ever been to another country? It can be exciting, and scary to visit a new place! Paul the apostle traveled to many different places, all to preach the Good News about Jesus to the world. And God calls us to be a missionary church as well, to take the Gospel around the world. Let’s see how God saved people through Paul’s ministry: Outline: 1. The Holy Spirit raises up Gospel workers 2. The Holy Spirit guides our mission 3. The Holy Spirit opens people’s hearts to be saved Verse: Acts 16:9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing there, urging him and saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” Discussion Questions: 1. Why did Paul circumcise Timothy? Why would he do this after the Jerusalem council said this is not necessary for salvation? How might this inform our thoughts about evangelism and missions? 2. How does Jesus sovereignly guide in this passage? How should this work of God’s Spirit influence and shape the way we think about missions? 3. How might you be involved in the church’s mission to the nations this year?
Viewed 3855 times - Created by bdsmith.
Exodus 15:1-18
Viewed 3472 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Ezekiel 37:1-14 When bones come to life 1. God’s Call 2. God’s Man 3. God’s People 4. God’s Message 5. God’s Power Kid’s Bulletin Summary: Have you ever seen a skeleton? Maybe it was around Halloween, on TV, or in your science class. What are they? Nothing but bones! Can bones do anything? No! Without someone or something moving them all they do is lay in a pile on the ground. In this weeks sermon we are going to hear how the people of God are like a big pile of bones, and yet, God calls a man, to deliver a message to those bones, and they come to life! Now, don’t get me wrong, it had nothing to do with the man, it has everything to do with the God who sends him. We get to install Pastor Mike this week, God has called him to serve NCPC, to bring to NCPC the message of resurrection life! Scripture Memory: Ephesians 2:4–6
Viewed 4268 times - Created by bdsmith.
Acts 15:36-41 Beauty In the Messes of this Life (let’s go with this updated title) Summary: Can you remember the last time you had an argument with someone? Sometimes we have disagreements and it is hard to love each other. But The gospel is powerful to bring peace and God is sovereign even over our struggles with each other. Let's listen today as Paul and Barnabas have a similar struggle: 1. Even godly people can make messes 2. God makes something beautiful out of our mess. Verse: Romans 12:10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Discussion questions: 1. What is the cause for the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas? Can we tell who is right and who is wrong? 2. How did God sovereignly make something beautiful out of the disagreement between these two leaders? How can God do that in your life? 3. What disagreements or strife are you currently encountering? How can the power of Jesus in the Gospel work to bring peace? Who do you need to reconcile with today?
Viewed 3645 times - Created by bdsmith.
Title: Freedom to Share the Gospel Verse: Acts 1:8 Outline: I - Lev 11 - The limit II - Acts 1:8 - The bridge III - Acts 10 - Now possible IV - Your Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Verse: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. (Acts 1:8) Summary: Today we get to hear from missionary Mike Pettingill. Mike will share from Acts 1:8 about sharing Christ with others. Who do you know that needs to hear about God’s love? Discussion questions: 1. How does the promise of the Holy Spirit in Acts 1 help us today? How can we expect the power of the Spirit? How is it different or similar today? 2. How can this passage in Acts 1 give you hope for God’s cause in the world? How does it help you to know that Jesus is ascended and ruling and will return? 3. Who is in your life that you could pray for and share Christ with?
Viewed 4419 times - Created by bdsmith.
Acts 15:1-35 Preserving the Truth, Reaching The World Summary: Today we are back in Acts! We pick up the story with a time where God’s true Gospel is being questioned: are we really saved by faith in Jesus alone, or must we do works of the law to be loved by God? What do you think? Let’s look in God’s Word today and remember that God freely saves us through faith Jesus alone! Outline: 1. God preserves His Gospel 2. God rebuilds the ruins 2. God reaches the world Verse: Ephesians 2:8–9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. Discussion Questions: 1. What is the matter being debated by the church in Acts 15? Why is it important? How does this passage show us the place and mission of the church in controversy? 2. In the debate, why does James quote from Amos 9:11,12? 3. How is God “rebuilding the ruins” of people’s lives at NCPC to reach the nations for Christ? How can you be part of it in 2018?
Viewed 3735 times - Created by bdsmith.
Genesis 1:1-5 -- Creation Day 1
Viewed 4211 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Daniel 10:1-11:1 -
Viewed 4668 times - Created by bdsmith.
Luke 14:15-24 -
Viewed 4928 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 7:37-39 Living Water Summary: Do you know what is like to be true thirsty - even dehydrated? It happened to me once - I got sick (a lot!) and ended up in the hospital. It wasn’t fun! In John 7 Jesus is at a great Jewish feast (the Feast of Booths), and says “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink…” What did he mean? We are all spiritually thirsty people, and Jesus himself promises us Living Water so our spiritual thirst can be satisfied. But what does that mean? Let’s listen in and see: 1. A universal thirst 2. A river of Living Water Verse: John 7:37 On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Discussion questions: 1. Why does Jesus say “if anyone is thirsty?” What are the things in this world that you hunger and thirst for other than God? 2. What does Jesus mean when he promises a river of living water coming out of our hearts? 2. How does Jesus fulfill the spiritual hunger and thirst in all of us? (Read also John 4:7-14, 6:35). How can you drink deeply from this fountain in 2018?
Viewed 4734 times - Created by bdsmith.
Sermon Text: John 13:1 Sermon Title: Immeasurable Love Points 1. Immeasurable Love 2. Unending Love 3. The gift of Love Summary: What do you want for Christmas? You may want a video game, or some clothes, a book or if you are like me just some time with your family. We are all looking forward to opening our gifts and feeling the love that comes with gift giving. This Sunday we will hear about the best gift of all time, the never ending love that Jesus has for us. This love moved Jesus to be borne as a man so that he could die for us and it should move us to love one another. Memory Verse: John 13:1b Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. Question: How do you see Jesus’ love for you this Christmas season? How can you show Jesus’ love to others this Christmas season?
Viewed 4445 times - Created by bdsmith.
Viewed 5133 times - Created by florenceu.
Acts 14 Suffering and Fruit Summary: In the days of the Apostle Paul, sharing the Gospel of Jesus was often dangerous business. Today we see in Acts 14 how he was violently opposed and his enemies tried to kill him by stoning him (a terrible way to die!). But Paul survived and boldly continue to tell of God’s grace. There are still places in the world where it is dangerous to be a Christian. But even when we aren’t in danger like that, we should still ask: How can God give me courage and use even my suffering to share Jesus with the world? Outline: You can have courage and even willingness to suffer for Christ, because He suffered before you, and promises to build His church through you. 1. Proclaim the Gospel 2. Share in the sufferings of Christ 3. Trust God’s care for His church Verse: Acts 14:22b…
Viewed 5132 times - Created by bdsmith.
Acts 13:13-52 Preaching Christ Summary: Today we get to listen in on Paul the Apostle as he tells the good news of Jesus to a group of people. We need to hear the good news of Jesus dying and rising to forgive our sins, just like they did! Let’s listen in and hear again of all that God has done to save us. Outline: To reach people for Christ, Paul preached: 1. The history: God promised a Savior would come 2. The focus: Jesus died and rose to justify us before God 3. The call: do not reject God’s Messiah 4. The response: God is calling some, while others walk away Verse: Acts 13:23 Of this man’s offspring God has brought to Israel a Savior, Jesus, as he promised. Discussion questions: 1. What would you want to include in any presentation of the Gospel that you give? Why? What did Paul see as vital? 2. How does Paul show that salvation is by grace and not by works in this sermon? 3. Why does Luke tell us that “as many as were appointed too eternal life believed”? Why is that important for our evangelism? Who can you pray for and speak to about the Gospel this week?
Viewed 5096 times - Created by bdsmith.
Acts 13:1-12 The First Missionary Journey Summary: Our church sends and supports many missionaries around the world. It is exciting to be part of God’s mission to reach the whole world for Christ! Today we will see the very first missionaries sent out from the church in Acts 13. Let’s look and see how God calls missionaries, and how he saves people through their labors: The point today: Our great Savior Jesus calls missionaries by His Spirit, through the church, to bring the nations to Himself. Outline: 1. God’s missionary call - The Spirit and the church 2. God’s superior power: The Master vs. the magician Verse: Acts 13:2 While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Discussion Questions: 1. Have you ever felt an inward call to missions? Have you ever prayed and asked God for direction on how to be involved in His missionary work around the world? 2. How were Saul and Barnabas called and sent off to their missionary work? How should that influence how NCPC does missions? 3. How does God’s power triumph over Satan’s power in Elymas the magician? What do we see in this passage that helps us understand the Gospel more?
Viewed 6280 times - Created by bdsmith.
A Tale of Three Angels Acts 12 Summary: Today I want you to imagine being in prison like Peter, and being met in the night and rescued by one of God’s mighty angels. What a night that must have been! Peter was in prison for preaching about Jesus, but God cannot be stopped! Let’s listen to this powerful story and see why God’s power is still unstoppable today. Outline 1. The angel of mercy 2. The unexpected angel 3. The angel of death Verse: Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. Discussion questions: 1. Peter was delivered from death at the eleventh hour. How could that powerful rescue from God encourage you today? 2. Why do you think the disciples were so surprised to see Peter? How might we pray for things and then be shocked when God answers? 3. The deliverance of Peter and the judgment upon Herod are both powerful testimonies to God’s unstoppable purpose and care for His church. Where do you see the evidence of that today in the church? In your own life?
Viewed 6402 times - Created by bdsmith.
Gladness and Grace in God’s Global Work Acts 11:19-30 Summary: Today we get to hear more in Acts about the Gospel coming to new cities, this time a place called Antioch. We’ll see a faithful God saving people, and sending servants like Barnabas and Saul to teach them. This is the first city where believers in Jesus were called Christians! Let’s listen in and hear about God’s great work: Outline: 1. A faithful God 2. A faithful servant 3. A faithful people Verse: Acts 11:26b ...For a whole year they met with the church and taught a great many people. And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians. Discussion questions: 1. How is God’s faithful hand at work in different ways in this passage? How did God bring the Gospel to them? How do you see him at work in our city? 2. How does Luke describe Barnabas? How did God use him in Antioch? Why might this be significant for us? 3. How did the Gospel shape these new Christians in Antioch? What are the effects of Jesus’ work in them?
Viewed 4540 times - Created by bdsmith.
Jesus Is Born
Viewed 4260 times - Created by kbeich.
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