Church and Religion
Haggai 2:7-9
Viewed 4952 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Haggai 2:7-9
Viewed 4036 times - Created by lamcelroy.


Luke 18:9-17 Generous Hearts 1. The People 2. The Problem of Contempt 3. The Unlikely Candidates of Generosity 4. The Generous Heart Sermon Summary: Today we are doing something special in the life of our church. We are ordaining and installing 1 Elder (Ko M.) and 2 Deacons (Paul K. and Brian W.), this is a huge day for the church. God has called these men to serve His church and the question they may ask is how generous do we have to be? Wether in the role of Elder, Deacon or as a church member how generous do we have to be? What I hope that we see through this parable is that Jesus has given us everything and when our hearts are filled with love and thankfulness for all that Jesus has given and done for us, we will turn toward each other with generosity. When this happens the question should change from how much do we have to give, to how much of ourselves can we give? Memory Verse: Rom. 8:32 He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?
Viewed 6460 times - Created by bdsmith.
Viewed 5100 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Viewed 5615 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Psalm 65
Viewed 4704 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Psalm 65
Viewed 4835 times - Created by lamcelroy.
The Cost of Discipleship Luke 14:25-35 Summary: Sometimes Jesus says hard things - like today’s passage. He seems to say that following Him means “hating” our father and mother or sister or brother. Now sometimes we don’t like or love our family as well as we should! But Jesus is not saying that we actually hate them, is He? No, He is telling us what it means to love God more than all other things. Today listen for the words “disciple” and “discipleship.” To be a disciple of Jesus is to love Him, to be willing to give up everything for Him, to learn from Him, and look to Him as Savior and Master. Let’s think about it: What is the Cost of Discipleship? 1. Love Jesus supremely 2. Carry your cross 3. Count the cost 4. Renounce all you hold dear Luke 9:23 ...If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
Viewed 5338 times - Created by bdsmith.
Generous God, Generous People Luke 19:1-10 Summary: You may have heard the story of Zacchaeus (and maybe even sung a song about him!) before. But today we’re going to dig deep into the story of how Jesus invaded a person’s life with grace, and see how Zacchaeus was changed forever! God’s grace can come freely to anyone - no one is being God’s reach! And when He saves lost people like us, changes start to happen. Let’s see it in action: Outline: 1. A lost sinner 2. A seeking Savior 3. A changed life Verse: Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Discussion Questions: 1. Describe the lost condition of Zacchaeus. Why was he so lost? 2. What do you see in this story about the character and saving power of Jesus? 3. Generosity and repentance (with restitution) were the clear evidences of salvation in Zacchaeus’ life. Why would those be such powerful barometers of grace at work? 4. Where might you need to repent and even make restitution for sin? Is radical generosity with your own possessions and money reflecting God’s saving work in your life? Why or why not? What things are keeping you from such generosity and what changes is God calling you to make so you could enjoy this blessing more?
Viewed 6991 times - Created by bdsmith.
Genesis 39 When Doing Right Lands You in Jail Summary: Have you ever done the right thing and got in trouble anyway? Maybe you told the truth about something, or made a choice to say no to a sin. But even when you did what was right, you suffered. Maybe you’ve asked -
Viewed 5356 times - Created by bdsmith.
David & Goliath
Viewed 2787 times - Created by bacampbell.
Jacob build temple for God
Viewed 6754 times - Created by sunilma.
Includes the answers to the questions in the textbook for Week 8 Day 1
Viewed 3645 times - Created by sattler.amandakay.
A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house...Acts 10:2
Viewed 2985 times - Created by kristyrwade.
A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house...Acts 10:2
Viewed 3324 times - Created by kristyrwade.
Find the names of Jesus' Disciples or Followers
Viewed 5315 times - Created by stgn.
Jacob returns to his land
Viewed 4208 times - Created by sunilma.
Find all the words
Viewed 3500 times - Created by Tina Tran.
God is holy. 1 Peter 1:15 says we must be holy in everything we do. Through His Holy Spirit in us we can live redeemed and whole lives. God is complete and we can be too through Him.
Viewed 5168 times - Created by MarthaL.
Berries and fruits surviving from late summer seen on our autumn trees and hedgerows
Viewed 5025 times - Created by frithfoot.
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