Psalm 118:24
Viewed 4184 times - Created by amandarodriguez04.
1 Corinthians 3:16
Viewed 3046 times - Created by amandarodriguez04.
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Psalm 97:9a
Viewed 3309 times - Created by amandarodriguez04.
Viewed 4112 times - Created by amandarodriguez04.
Psalm 100:1-2
Viewed 4333 times - Created by amandarodriguez04.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Viewed 4235 times - Created by amandarodriguez04.
Deuteronomy 11:16
Viewed 4180 times - Created by amandarodriguez04.
John 4:24
Viewed 3864 times - Created by amandarodriguez04.
Numbers 14:10b-24
Viewed 4388 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Acts 17:16-34
Mars Hill
Today Paul's journey leads him to the city of Athens, where he sees something very troubling: he sees all sorts of idols to worship many false gods. What should he say? He tells them about the one true God and His Son Jesus! Let's listen in:
Be provoked by the idols of this world
Share Christ with the world
Seek the one true God and you will find Him
Acts 17:24 The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man...
Discussion Questions:
1. What was Paul's reaction to the various idols in Athens? What might that look like in our culture today? What are the various idols in our context, and why or why aren't we
Viewed 4236 times - Created by bdsmith.
Acts 10:34-43
Viewed 4816 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Acts 17:1-15
Noble Bereans
Today we get to hear more about the journeys of Paul and his friends as they traveled from city to city telling the good news of salvation through Jesus. Some people refused to listen and tried to harm them, but others, like people in the city of Berea, responded with joy and faith, because God was working in their hearts. Let's think today about what it looks like when God is at work:
1. The great Gospel that Paul preached - all about Jesus
2. The pattern of unbelief - full of jealousy
3. The joy of true faith
Acts 17:11b ...They received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.
Discussion Questions:
1. According to 17:2-3, how did Paul share the Gospel in each city?
2. What are the differences you see between the response of the Thessalonians and the Bereans in this passage? Why is that important for us to understand?
3. How could the greatness of the message that Paul proclaimed move you also to the kind of response the Bereans demonstrated?
Viewed 3402 times - Created by bdsmith.
Acts 16:16-40
Believe in the Lord Jesus
Have you ever been to JAIL?? Ok, hopefully not, but I am sure that prison is not a nice place! In our sermon today we will hear about Paul and Silas being beaten badly and then put in prison, all for preaching the Gospel of Jesus. Do you think they were mad? Sad? I might be. But they were up at night praying and singing hymns in jail! What would move them to respond with such praise? Let’s find out:
1. Worship in chains
2. The Word of life
3. The fruit of faith
Acts 16:31 31 And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
Discussion Questions:
1. What enables Paul and Silas to sing and pray after being being and thrown into jail? Do you ever doubt if you could respond the same way?
2. Why is the question of the Philippian jailor so central, and how does Paul respond?
3 .What are the evidences of genuine faith in this man's life? How can they be cultivated in your own life as a response to the grace of God you’ve received?
Viewed 3107 times - Created by bdsmith.
Leviticus 19:1-10
Viewed 2784 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Psalm 19
Viewed 3597 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Psalm 19
Viewed 3203 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Acts 16:1-15
Come Over and Help Us
Have you ever been to another country? It can be exciting, and scary to visit a new place! Paul the apostle traveled to many different places, all to preach the Good News about Jesus to the world. And God calls us to be a missionary church as well, to take the Gospel around the world. Let’s see how God saved people through Paul’s ministry:
1. The Holy Spirit raises up Gospel workers
2. The Holy Spirit guides our mission
3. The Holy Spirit opens people’s hearts to be saved
Acts 16:9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing there, urging him and saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.”
Discussion Questions:
1. Why did Paul circumcise Timothy? Why would he do this after the Jerusalem council said this is not necessary for salvation? How might this inform our thoughts about evangelism and missions?
2. How does Jesus sovereignly guide in this passage? How should this work of God’s Spirit influence and shape the way we think about missions?
3. How might you be involved in the church’s mission to the nations this year?
Viewed 3734 times - Created by bdsmith.
Exodus 15:1-18
Viewed 3327 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Ezekiel 37:1-14
When bones come to life
1. God’s Call
2. God’s Man
3. God’s People
4. God’s Message
5. God’s Power
Kid’s Bulletin Summary:
Have you ever seen a skeleton? Maybe it was around Halloween, on TV, or in your science class. What are they? Nothing but bones! Can bones do anything? No! Without someone or something moving them all they do is lay in a pile on the ground. In this weeks sermon we are going to hear how the people of God are like a big pile of bones, and yet, God calls a man, to deliver a message to those bones, and they come to life! Now, don’t get me wrong, it had nothing to do with the man, it has everything to do with the God who sends him. We get to install Pastor Mike this week, God has called him to serve NCPC, to bring to NCPC the message of resurrection life!
Scripture Memory:
Ephesians 2:4–6
Viewed 4125 times - Created by bdsmith.
Acts 15:36-41
Beauty In the Messes of this Life (let’s go with this updated title)
Summary: Can you remember the last time you had an argument with someone? Sometimes we have disagreements and it is hard to love each other. But The gospel is powerful to bring peace and God is sovereign even over our struggles with each other. Let's listen today as Paul and Barnabas have a similar struggle:
1. Even godly people can make messes
2. God makes something beautiful out of our mess.
Verse: Romans 12:10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.
Discussion questions:
1. What is the cause for the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas? Can we tell who is right and who is wrong?
2. How did God sovereignly make something beautiful out of the disagreement between these two leaders? How can God do that in your life?
3. What disagreements or strife are you currently encountering? How can the power of Jesus in the Gospel work to bring peace? Who do you need to reconcile with today?
Viewed 3565 times - Created by bdsmith.