Church and Religion
Psalm 78:9-39 Learn from the Past Summary: Have you ever had your parents tell you to clean your room, but you don't do it? Did they get frustrated because they had to tell you multiple times? Sometimes we need to be reminded over and over again before we learn. Psalm 78 reminds God's people (again!) of His faithfulness, and how easily we forget His care and goodness. But even when we fail, God is full of mercy and love! Let's learn from the past together, as we see God's commitment to us in four ways: Outline: 1. God's miracles 2. God's provision 3. God's discipline 4. God's mercy Verse: Psalm 103:8 The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Discussion Questions: 1. What is the purpose for which the Psalm writer rehearses this history? Why do we need it today as well? 2. What are the ways Israel forgot God's power in Egypt, His provision in the wilderness, spurned His discipline, and even ignored His mercy? How do you tend to do the same at times? 3. Why do you think God still poured out mercy on Israel, even with all their rebellion? How has God done that even better for you in Christ? How might this Psalm serve as a powerful pointer to Jesus' perfect life, and work of atonement for us? 4. What might it look like to more actively cultivate
Viewed 12635 times - Created by bdsmith.
Jesus reads from Isaiah 61 in the synagogue and explains that those words have come true today in Him. Luke 4:14-21
Viewed 3003 times - Created by denniscrain7.


Genesis 1:26-31 NIV
Viewed 2894 times - Created by lamcelroy.
2 Corinthians 13:11-14 NIV
Viewed 2829 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Jesus performed His first miracle in Cana, turning water into wine. John 2:1-11
Viewed 2623 times - Created by denniscrain7.
Has God Forgotten? Summary: Have you ever been sad or depressed? Sometimes something sad happens, or we may be sad and we don't even know why. God knows and understands our sorrows, better than anyone. Today let's look at Psalm 77 and see how Asaph seeks help from God when he is discouraged. Outline: 1. How depression feels 2. How faith searches 3. How God answers Verse: Psalm 77:11 (ESV)11 I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. Discusion Questions: 1. If you experience short or long term depression, can you describe what it feels like? Are their circumstances that contribute to your sadness, or is it something that just seems to stay with you? 2. How does the Psalm writer describe his suffering in this way? How does he question God? Do you think this is healthy? 3. How does this Psalm search for help and hope? How does this Psalm point us to Jesus, the
Viewed 3170 times - Created by bdsmith.
Jesus was tempted by the devil in the desert but did not sin. He shows us how to resist temptation. Luke 4:1-13
Viewed 3675 times - Created by denniscrain7.
Psalm 76 Who Can Stand Before You? Summary: Two words to listen for today in our sermon:
Viewed 3475 times - Created by bdsmith.
Psalm 75 Singing Praise for God's Justice Summary: Do you know what a judge is?  When someone breaks the law, they often have to face a judge in court who decides if they are guilty.  That judge then sentences them for their crime. The Bible tells us that God is the ultimate judge, and that is a good thing!  Why is that good?  Why should that give us hope, and even make us praise Him?  Let's find out: Outline: 1. God is the judge, and that is good news 2. God's comfort and warning 3. God's justice deepens our reasons for worship Verse: Psalm 75:7  But it is God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another. Discussion Questions 1. Author/Speaker Paul Tripp says that
Viewed 2769 times - Created by bdsmith.
Psalm 75 Singing Praise for God's Justice Summary: Do you know what a judge is?  When someone breaks the law, they often have to face a judge in court who decides if they are guilty.  That judge then sentences them for their crime. The Bible tells us that God is the ultimate judge, and that is a good thing!  Why is that good?  Why should that give us hope, and even make us praise Him?  Let's find out: Outline: 1. God is the judge, and that is good news 2. God's comfort and warning 3. God's justice deepens our reasons for worship Verse: Psalm 75:7  But it is God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another. Discussion Questions 1. Author/Speaker Paul Tripp says that
Viewed 2862 times - Created by bdsmith.
Jesus grows up, was left behind in Jerusalem and found in the temple (his Father's house) when Mary and Joseph returned to find him.
Viewed 2610 times - Created by denniscrain7.
Luke 2:41-52 Jesus, the Son of God Jesus shows that He is the Son of God by redefining His relationships and people’s responses to Him. 1. The Son who redefines family 2. The Son who redefines obedience 3. The Son who redefines wonder Memory verse: And He said to them, “Why were you looking for Me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49)
Viewed 2716 times - Created by bdsmith.
Revelation 21:1-6 NIV
Viewed 2667 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Revelation 19:1-9 NIV
Viewed 3170 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Revelation 19:1-9 NIV
Viewed 2653 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Jesus is Born. Luke 2:1-20 Celebrate Jesus' birth.
Viewed 2140 times - Created by denniscrain7.
The announcement and birth of Jesus. Luke 2:1-20
Viewed 2874 times - Created by denniscrain7.
Revelation 22:1-5 Joy to the World! Summary: It's just a few days before Christmas! I hope you are excited. The song,
Viewed 4333 times - Created by bdsmith.
John the Baptist Prepares the Way
Viewed 2253 times - Created by denniscrain7.
Revelation 4:1-11
Viewed 2511 times - Created by lamcelroy.
541 to 560 of 6808 in 341 pages
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