1 Timothy 2:1-7
Ministry for All Peoples
There are so many people in the world who need Jesus! Did you know that God wants to use us, His people to help reach them? Today let's listen to hear how He uses us to pray for the nations and go to tell them the Gospel:
1. Prayer for all peoples
2. The Gospel is for all peoples
3. We are sent to all peoples
Verse: 1 Timothy 1:5 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus...
Discussion Questions:
1. How and why are we to pray as Paul describes in this passage? What are some of the possible results of such prayers? How can you be praying?
2. Why does Paul say that God desires
Viewed 2747 times - Created by bdsmith.
Hebrews 2:14-18 NRSV
Viewed 2834 times - Created by lamcelroy.
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Gideon Trusts in God to defeat the Midianites
Viewed 2511 times - Created by denniscrain7.
1 Timothy 1:8-20
Fight the Good Fight
Last Monday our country celebrated Memorial Day, where we remember our soldiers who have fought and died to protect us. Living the Christian life is much like a solider in battle also! Today in our passage, Paul tells Timothy to fight, but it is a different type of battle. He says fight the good fight of faith! What does this mean? Let's listen to God's Word and find out:
1. How to fight the good fight of faith
2. How to make shipwreck of your faith (Hint: Don't do this!)
Verse: 1 Timothy 6:12 (ESV)12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called...
Discussion questions:
1. What is the nature of the charge Paul has entrusted to Timothy? How should that inform our life and ministry?
2. What is the “good warfare” and what does it mean to fight it?
3. What does it mean to make “shipwreck of the faith?” What does it mean to be “handed over to Satan?” How should these things be applied to the church today?
Viewed 2971 times - Created by bdsmith.
God gave Samuel a message of judgment. Find these words from 1 Samuel 2:23-26 and 4:10-11.
Viewed 2792 times - Created by bbbilger.
God gave Samuel a message of judgment. Find these words from 1 Samuel 2:23-26 and 4:10-11.
Viewed 2278 times - Created by bbbilger.
Paul teaches us what real Love is and is not. 1 Corinthians 13:1-8
Viewed 2595 times - Created by denniscrain7.
Chief of Sinners
1 Timothy 1:12-17
Has someone ever given you something that you knew you did not deserve, like a gift? When that happens, we are usually very humbled and grateful for the gift! The apostle Paul knew that he was a sinful man who deserved nothing from God. He called himself the “chief” (worst) of sinners! But God gives us much amazing grace! Let’s think about it:
1. An undeserving sinner
2. An overflowing grace
3. A beautiful display
Verse: 1 Timothy 1:15 “...Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.”
Discussion Questions:
1. What is the description Paul gives of himself? Can you relate to it at all?
2. Why does Paul call himself the “chief” (foremost) of sinners? Is he really the worst sinner who ever lived? What might change in your relationship to God and to others if you felt this way about yourself?
3. How does Paul describe the Gospel in this passage? How does he describe the reason for God’s grace in His life? What might that mean for us?
Viewed 3050 times - Created by bdsmith.
When we believe in Jesus we receive his Holy Spirit. The Fruit of the Spirit can be found in Galatians 5:22-23
Viewed 2216 times - Created by denniscrain7.
1 Timothy 2:1-7 NRSV
Viewed 2462 times - Created by lamcelroy.
What Good is the Law?
1 Timothy 1:8-11
Summary: Have you ever felt like there were too many rules in your life? You are not alone! Most of us struggle with this. But God does not give laws in His Word because he wants to steal our joy in life. He wants to keep us safe and actually find joy in Him! So let's think about God's good law for a few minutes together from 1 Timothy 1:8-11.
1. What is the law of God NOT supposed to do?
2. So why is the law GOOD?
a. It is a mirror
b. It is a muzzle
c. It is a map
3. How the law can be used for YOUR good
1 Timothy 1:8 Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully...
Discussion Questions:
1. Read 1 Timothy 1:8-11 again. Which of the descriptions sinful people in vv.9-10 do you associate with? Why?
2. What do you think it means to use the law
Viewed 2704 times - Created by bdsmith.
Paul and Silas are arrested, spend their time in prison singing hymns and praying, until an earthquake breaks their chains. They explain to the jailer how to be saved.
Viewed 2738 times - Created by denniscrain7.
1 Timothy 1:3-7
Guard the Truth
Why do we make such a big deal about the Bible at our church? It is because God has spoken to us and we want to listen! Let's listen today to hear about how God's Word changes us.
1. We are called to guard the truth
2. God's truth works true love in us by forming:
a. A renewed heart
b. An informed conscience
c. A sincere faith
1 Timothy 1:15b ...Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.
Discussion questions:
1. Where are the dangers of false teaching that are a danger to the church today? Are there temptations you experience to wander from the truth of God's Word?
2. How is the church called to guard the truth? What role do you play in this?
3. What does Paul say is the effect of solid doctrine (v. 5)? What does he mean by
Viewed 3080 times - Created by bdsmith.
Love, Hatred, Tears and Blessing
Romans 12:9-21
Summary: What does real faith look like? How can you and I live in a world of trouble and live out our faith, even when we are sinners in need of grace? Let's take a moment to see what the apostle Paul says about this, as we think about how Jesus lived a life of love, and can give us grace to do the same:
1. The Gospel of Jesus produces genuine love
2. The Gospel of Jesus produces proper hatred
3. The Gospel of Jesus moves us to respond like Jesus
4. The Gospel of Jesus produces people who bring blessing
Verse: Romans 12:21 (ESV)21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Discussion Questions
1. How did you respond to the tragedy in Poway last week? What were some of the emotions and thoughts you experienced?
2. How should Christians respond to such tragedy? What is our role with our neighbors and friends? How can we live out the love of Christ, especially when the perpetrator was a member of a Christian church?
3. Which of the commands of Paul do you find it hardest to follow? How do Paul's words embody the Gospel and the life of Jesus? How do you need to pray for God's grace this week to be a loving neighbor?
Viewed 3378 times - Created by bdsmith.
Romans 1:21-23 NIV
Viewed 3124 times - Created by lamcelroy.
King Herod put Peter in jail for telling people about Jesus. God heard the prayers of Peter's friends and sent an angel to free him from jail. Acts 12:1-19
Viewed 2274 times - Created by denniscrain7.
Luke 24:13-35
Viewed 3479 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 16:16-24
Joy that No one Can Take Away
He is Risen! Today we get to celebrate the great news that Jesus is risen. We live in a world where we often get bad news. But today, let's listen as we hear Jesus speak about the joy that this news can bring us. Because Jesus is risen, there is a joy that can never be taken away from you!
1. Jesus' death brings sorrow and joy
2. Jesus' resurrection brings a joy that cannot be lost
Verse: Matthew 28: 5b-6a Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said.
Discussion Questions:
1. In this passage, Jesus speaks of His death and resurrection. How is Jesus death a cause for sorrow for us, but also a great joy? In what sense did the world rejoice at His death?
2. What is the joy that Jesus holds out because of His resurrection? What does his new life mean for us that should cause joy?
Viewed 6268 times - Created by bdsmith.
Saul met Jesus as a bright light on the road to Damascus and his life and name were forever changed. Acts 9.
Viewed 2609 times - Created by denniscrain7.
1 Timothy 1:1-2
A True Child in the Faith
Summary: What is the church supposed to be like? That is a big and important question. Today we start to study the letter of 1 Timothy. It is a letter that the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, a younger pastor. As we study together, we'll hear some of the answers to the question,
Viewed 3551 times - Created by bdsmith.