Proverbs 22:1-6
Train Up a Child, Part 1
Summary: Did you know that the job of parents is to train their children in the way of wisdom? This is what Proverbs tells us. Parents are to teach and train their kids to love God and live wisely. Let's think about it!
Training kids for a life of wisdom:
1. The means: coaching their hearts
2. The goal: train them in the way they should go
3. The hope: godliness
Verse: Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Discussion Questions:
1. Read Proverbs 22:6. How might this promise be wrongly interpreted? how do we balance it Scripturally?
2. What do you think are some of the central things parents are to teach their kids?
3. If you are a parent, where do you feel your weakness the most in your role as you shepherd your children?
4. What can you do differently this week to actively shepherd your children's hearts toward Jesus? If you do not have kids, how can you encourage and support parents around you?
Viewed 17653 times - Created by bdsmith.
Proverbs 17:17, 18:24, 27:6,9,17
Viewed 3151 times - Created by bdsmith.
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Proverbs 31:10-31
Praise Her in the Gates
Summary: Today is Mother’s Day! Make sure you say Happy Mother’s Day to your Mom today and I hope all our moms enjoy a day where we thank them for all they do. Today as we study Proverbs we're going to look at chapter 31 and see someone called
Viewed 3285 times - Created by bdsmith.
Proverbs 15
Words: Apples of Gold
Have you ever said something that you wish you hadn't said to another person? Or maybe someone said something to you that hurt you? Our words are powerful, either to hurt or heal others. The Proverbs tells us about the power of our words. Let's listen to God's words today:
The Power of our words:
1. Words of peace
2. Words of knowledge
3. Words of life
Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Discussion questions:
1. Read Proverbs 15 individually or with your family. What are the ways in which this chapter speaks about the power of our words?
2. How might your words spread strife instead of peace?
3. What do you think Solomon means when he says
Viewed 5760 times - Created by bdsmith.
Happy Birthday Church! Jesus sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to give power to His disciples to boldly tell others the Good News of His death and resurrection for forgiveness of their sins. Acts 2:1-24
Viewed 2754 times - Created by denniscrain7.
Proverbs 6:16-19
Seven Deadly Sins
I wonder how things have gone for you this week as you've lived together with your family at home during this time? If you're like me, some days are good, and other days I see my sin in how I speak and act. Today, as we study Proverbs, God tells that He HATES sin! And He wants us to feel the same way. Let's pray that God would help us to do that today.
Seven deadly sins:
1. God HATES sin
2. God describes sin's darkness
3. God solves the hatred
Verse:1 Peter 2:9a (ESV)9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession...
Discussion questions:
1. Why is it so important for us to know how deeply God hates sin?
2. Which of these sins in Proverbs 6:16-19 is the biggest struggle for you? Why?
3. Would you say you are currently, actively fighting against sin, or are you giving in to its temptations? What should you be doing to kill sin in your life this week?
4. How did God ultimately deal with His hatred of sin? How will he do that finally one day? How can this help you in the war against sin?
Viewed 3343 times - Created by bdsmith.
After rising from the dead Jesus revealed himself to two men on the road to Emmaus. He taught them what God had written in the Old Testament about His suffering, death and resurrection before vanishing. Luke 24:13-35
Viewed 4411 times - Created by denniscrain7.
Matthew 28:1-17
Worship The Risen Christ
He is Risen! Today, even though we can't be together, we can still be glad that Jesus is risen from the dead! Today let's hear Matthew tell us about the resurrection of Jesus and learn how it should change us:
1. Don't be afraid
2. Come and see
3. Go and tell
4. Fall down and worship
Verse: Matthew 28:5-6 5 But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here, for He has risen, as He said.
Discussion Questions:
1. What are the ways you might be able to make this Easter a significant time of worship, even though we can't worship in person together? How might God want you to
Viewed 3486 times - Created by bdsmith.
Today is called
Viewed 2726 times - Created by bdsmith.
In the dark of night Nicodemus learns from Jesus that to enter the kingdom of heaven he must be born again. John 3:1-17
Viewed 2464 times - Created by denniscrain7.
Burial Preparations
John 12:1-8
Have you ever broken something really expensive? I broke a vase that belonged to my mom once (not a really expensive one, but still it was nice!). What would you think of someone who did that intentionally? That would seem wasteful. Today we're going to start getting ready for Easter by looking at the moment when Mary broke open a really expensive bottle of perfume and poured it on Jesus. Why would she do this? Let's find out together:
1. Judas: a heart of stone
2. Mary: A heart of worship
3. Jesus: the One at the heart of it all
Verse: John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.
Discussion Questions:
1. Think about Judas' response in this scene in John 12. How might you have responded to Mary's act? What is he missing?
2. Why would Mary have done this? What would lavish devotion look like in your life?
3. How might this account in John 12 help you today as you prepare for Good Friday and Easter?
Viewed 2729 times - Created by bdsmith.
The Pharisees had Jesus arrested and taken to the Romans to be put on trial. Pilate ordered Jesus to be crucified. Every one of our sins died on that cross with Jesus. Matthew 27:11-66
Viewed 2399 times - Created by denniscrain7.
From up in a tree the tax collector Zacchaeus learned that Jesus came to save and love all people, even the worse of sinners. Luke 19:1-10
Viewed 3289 times - Created by denniscrain7.
Philippians 1:11-21
Partners in the Gospel
We are in a strange time, not having Sunday worship together right now. I know it may seem strange and even scary. But God is on the throne and loves us still! He has a plan for us. Today let's look at Philippians 1 and think about how God is at work in us, even in difficult times. Let's think about it for a few minutes:
1. The Gospel is the foundation of our life together
2. Jesus will finish what He started in us
3. The Gospel strengthens us to suffer well
Verse: Philippians 1:6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
Discussion questions:
1. How does Paul feel about the Philippian Christians? How should the Gospel be the foundation of our life as a church? What ought to be different about the way we relate?
2. What hope does verse 6 give you in the middle of all this uncertainty we are experiencing?
3. How does Paul describe his own suffering in all of Philppians 1? How does the Gospel give you the grace to
Viewed 2921 times - Created by bdsmith.
Jesus tells His disciples that He is the Good Shepherd. John 10:1-18 David explains the comfort and goodness of the true shepherd. Psalm 23
Viewed 3321 times - Created by denniscrain7.
Mark 12:1-12 NIV
Viewed 3786 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Go to the Ant
Proverbs 6:6-11
Did you know that doing work is a very good thing? I know it may not feel like it, because there is some work that is hard or boring or we just don't like it sometimes. There will always be some parts about work that we don't enjoy, because we live in a sinful world, and we are sinful people. But God made meaningful work for us all to do. Today in Proverbs we are going to think about work, and take a lesson from an unlikely creature: the ANT!
1. Consider the ant
2. Consider the sluggard
3. Consider yourself
4. Consider the Lord
Proverbs 6:6–8 Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. 7 Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, 8 she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest.
Discussion questions:
1. What is the main work God has given you to do, and what is your general attitude about it?
2. Take some time for self evaluation: would you tend toward the temptations of laziness or being a workaholic? How might they have similar sinful roots?
3. What are the lessons we learn from the ant? From the sluggard?
4. How does the Gospel inform the motives for our work? How does God's character inform our work?
Viewed 5050 times - Created by bdsmith.
Mark 10:46-52 NIV
Viewed 2678 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Jesus teaches the disciples about prayer and gives them the model of the Lord's Prayer. Luke 11:1-13
Viewed 2748 times - Created by denniscrain7.
Viewed 2390 times - Created by bdsmith.