Last week we heard Jesus say hard things. He said that believing in him is like eating his flesh and drinking his blood (in other words, taking Jesus into the deepest part of our hearts). But some were offended when Jesus said this, and they left him. Why do some walk away from him, and others stay? Let's think about it today:
1. Why are some people offended by Jesus?
2. Why do some stay with Jesus?
3. Where else can we go?
Verse: John 6:68 “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life...
Viewed 206 times - Created by bdsmith.
Last week we heard Jesus say hard things. He said that believing in him is like eating his flesh and drinking his blood (in other words, taking Jesus into the deepest part of our hearts). But some were offended when Jesus said this, and they left him. Why do some walk away from him, and others stay? Let's think about it today:
1. Why are some people offended by Jesus?
2. Why do some stay with Jesus?
3. Where else can we go?
Verse: John 6:68 “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life...
Viewed 234 times - Created by bdsmith.
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Last week we heard Jesus say hard things. He said that believing in him is like eating his flesh and drinking his blood (in other words, taking Jesus into the deepest part of our hearts). But some were offended when Jesus said this, and they left him. Why do some walk away from him, and others stay? Let's think about it today:
1. Why are some people offended by Jesus?
2. Why do some stay with Jesus?
3. Where else can we go?
Verse: John 6:68 “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life...
Viewed 653 times - Created by bdsmith.
Last week we heard Jesus say hard things. He said that believing in him is like eating his flesh and drinking his blood (in other words, taking Jesus into the deepest part of our hearts). But some were offended when Jesus said this, and they left him. Why do some walk away from him, and others stay? Let's think about it today:
1. Why are some people offended by Jesus?
2. Why do some stay with Jesus?
3. Where else can we go?
Verse: John 6:68 “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life...
Viewed 666 times - Created by bdsmith.
There are twelve books in the Bible that are called the Minor Prophets. Can you find these names?
Viewed 745 times - Created by bbbilger.
Exodus 12:1-13 NRSV
Viewed 780 times - Created by lamcelroy.
John 6:48-59
True Food and Drink
Sometimes Jesus said things that were hard to understand. Today we'll look at one of those moments. When talking about how he is the source of eternal life, he tells us that we must
Viewed 290 times - Created by bdsmith.
Celebration and Glorification
Psalm 47:1-9
1. Celebrating God – the King of all the Earth
2. Experiencing the Glory of our Exalted King
3. Expecting the Glory of our Exalted King
Memory Verse:
Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy!
(Psalm 47:1)
Viewed 305 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 6:41-47
Drawn by the Father
Jesus made a bold, amazing claim: he claimed to have come down to us from heaven itself! Many of the people around Jesus knew his parents, and even had seen him grow up. This made it hard for them to accept that he came down from heaven, because they did not understand that God sent him as a baby to be born of Mary. Do you struggle to believe that Jesus was God's own Son sent from heaven to save us? Today let's listen and think about this struggle, and ask God for faith to believe in His Son:
1. The struggle to believe
2. The power to believe
3. The invitation to believe
John 6:47 Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Why did the people grumble about Jesus' claims? Do you have struggles to believe the things that Jesus says, especially in this passage?
2. Why does Jesus emphasize again that we cannot believe and come to him without the Father drawing us? Why is this so important for understanding how God saves us?
3. Jesus speaks of eternal life, the reality of heaven, and being
Viewed 502 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 6:35-40
All That the Father Gives Me Will Come
Today we'll continue to listen to Jesus in John 6 as he spoke to crowds of people. He had told them he is the
Viewed 628 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 6:22-35
The Bread of Life
Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means:
1. Reasons for seeking Jesus
2. The desire for a sign
3. Receiving the bread from heaven
John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ?
2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart?
3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 647 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 6:22-35
The Bread of Life
Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means:
1. Reasons for seeking Jesus
2. The desire for a sign
3. Receiving the bread from heaven
John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ?
2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart?
3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 709 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 6:22-35
The Bread of Life
Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means:
1. Reasons for seeking Jesus
2. The desire for a sign
3. Receiving the bread from heaven
John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ?
2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart?
3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 515 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 6:22-35
The Bread of Life
Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means:
1. Reasons for seeking Jesus
2. The desire for a sign
3. Receiving the bread from heaven
John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ?
2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart?
3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 426 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 6:22-35
The Bread of Life
Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means:
1. Reasons for seeking Jesus
2. The desire for a sign
3. Receiving the bread from heaven
John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ?
2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart?
3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 656 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 6:22-35
The Bread of Life
Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means:
1. Reasons for seeking Jesus
2. The desire for a sign
3. Receiving the bread from heaven
John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ?
2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart?
3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 748 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 6:22-35
The Bread of Life
Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means:
1. Reasons for seeking Jesus
2. The desire for a sign
3. Receiving the bread from heaven
John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ?
2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart?
3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 174 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 6:22-35
The Bread of Life
Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means:
1. Reasons for seeking Jesus
2. The desire for a sign
3. Receiving the bread from heaven
John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ?
2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart?
3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 276 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 6:22-35
The Bread of Life
Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means:
1. Reasons for seeking Jesus
2. The desire for a sign
3. Receiving the bread from heaven
John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ?
2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart?
3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 205 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 6:22-35
The Bread of Life
Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means:
1. Reasons for seeking Jesus
2. The desire for a sign
3. Receiving the bread from heaven
John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ?
2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart?
3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 287 times - Created by bdsmith.