Church and Religion
John 8:48-59 Before Abraham Was, I AM Summary: Have you ever been called names by someone? It can be hurtful when someone does that. Jesus had people who cast one of the most terrible insults at him, saying that he was possessed by a demon. Can you imagine? But Jesus instead revealed his glory, saying that he is the God who existed before time. Let's listen in: Outline: 1. The monstrous lie 2. The glorious promise 3. The eternal Son Verse: John 8:58 Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why did the Pharisees in this passage accuse Jesus of being a
Viewed 11 times - Created by bdsmith.
1 Peter 1:1-13 The Goodness of the Gospel for You Memory verse: According to His great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, (1 Peter 1:3b)
Viewed 114 times - Created by bdsmith.


John 8:37-47 Who is Your Father? Summary: It is a great gift from God to have parents who love Jesus and want to help you learn to love and follow Him. It is easy for us to take that gift for granted! But we might also assume that we are saved just because we are born into a Christian family. But the Bible tells us that we must each receive Jesus as Savior. Today let's listen in as Jesus warns some people who think they are right with God simply because they were born into father Abraham's family: Outline: 1. Bloodlines cannot save 2. Bear the family resemblance 3. Beware of the devil Verse: John 8:47a
Viewed 92 times - Created by bdsmith.
Text: Daniel 3 Title: Hyphenate Existence (cont.) Outline: 1. Return to Babel 2. Resigned to Die 3. Rescue in the Fire Memory Verse: He answered and said, “But I see four men unbound, walking in the midst of the fire, and they are not hurt: and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods.” (Daniel 3:25)
Viewed 156 times - Created by bdsmith.
Daniel 2 “Hyphenated Existence, Part 2” Outline = I. Daniel’s Predicament II. Daniel’s Prophecy III. Daniel’s Posture Verse: The king answered and said to Daniel, “Truly, your God is God of gods, and Lord of kings, and a revealer of mysteries, for you have been able to reveal this mystery.” (Daniel 2:47) Could you please (if there is room), also include this quote at the bottom of the notetaking/outline section? “Its sanctions (i.e., the church) are not corporeal [bodily], involving brute force, but only moral and spiritual, appealing to the judgment, the faith, the conscience of its members. It knows nothing of the sword, the dungeon, the lash, pecuniary fines, etc…, etc., but only of argument, exhortation, admonition, censure etc., etc., Its great function is to teach, to convince, to persuade, ‘to bear witness to the truth.’ Its triumphs are the triumphs of love; its drags no reluctant captives at the wheels of its chariot; the design of its ordinances, oracles, ministry is through the efficacious operation of the Holy Ghost to bring its captives into hearty sympathy with its king, and so to give them a share in the glory and exultation of the triumphs of the king . . . . Its only sword is the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Its discipline is not the punishment of an avenging judge, asserting the unbending majesty of the law, but the discipline of a tender mother, whose bowels yearn over the wayward child, and who afflicts no pain, except for the child’s reformation and salvation. The authority of his kingdom is spiritual.” • T. Peck
Viewed 37 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 8:31-36 Jesus, the Giver of True Freedom, Has Come Summary: Most people will never experience what it means to be a slave to someone else. And yet, in another way, Jesus tells us that sin is like slavery. He tells us that apart from Him we are slaves to sin, but by submitting our lives to him we find true freedom. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. True slavery 2. True freedom Verse: John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Jesus tells us
Viewed 126 times - Created by bdsmith.
Isaiah 61:8-11
Viewed 138 times - Created by lamcelroy.
John 8:21-30 Jesus, the Great I AM, Has Come Summary: Who is Jesus? Maybe that seems like an easy question, but it is a really important one! How would you answer? Jesus tells us over and over again, so we're not left to guess. Today in John's Gospel he speaks to people who ask him the question
Viewed 239 times - Created by bdsmith.
Jesus, the One Who is True, Has Come Summary: What proof do we need that Jesus is God, our Savior? Do you find this hard to believe? Today, let's listen to Jesus speak to people who did not believe him to be God in the flesh. Outline: 1. Darkness on display 2. Divine testimony confirmed 3. Evidence that demands a verdict Verse: John 8:14 ...
Viewed 256 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 8:12 Jesus, the Light of the World, Has Come Summary: It is finally Christmas season! This month, let's start by thinking about some of the reasons why Jesus came to us. In John 8:12, Jesus tells us that our world is dark and full of sin, but He is the light of the world. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. The darkness 2. The light 3. The call 4. The promise Verse: John 8:12 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Jesus describes life without him as
Viewed 198 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 7:53-8:11 Where Justice and Mercy Meet Summary: Sometimes people can do terrible things. There is real evil in the world, and I am sad to say that you'll have to face it in life at some point. In our passage today from John 8, Jesus encounters people who made a plan to try to trick Jesus so they could do away with him. That is terrible on its own, but they decided to use a defenseless woman who they accused of great sin in the process. But Jesus is the master of mercy and justice! Let's see how he saved this woman and dealt with the evil that was before him: Outline: 1. A great evil confronted 2. A holy response 3. Where justice and mercy meet Verse:
Viewed 335 times - Created by bdsmith.
Isaiah 6:1-7 NRSV
Viewed 131 times - Created by lamcelroy.
John 7:40-52 The Great Divide Summary: There is truly no one like Jesus! Today in our passage in John, we'll see people who have wildly different thoughts about him. Some think he is the Savior, and others want to arrest him. Some of the soldiers are amazed by Jesus' words, saying,
Viewed 283 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 7:27-39 Living Water, Part 4 Summary: Are you thirsty? In John 7 Jesus asked this question to a crowd of people. He said
Viewed 286 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 7:24-36 Can This Be the Christ? Summary: In the Bible, Jesus was called many names. Here in John 7, he is called the
Viewed 408 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 7:14-24 Divine Authority Summary: Why do people reject Jesus? That is the question we'll talk about today. We've already seen i John's Gospel that people do not come to Jesus unless God draws them by the Holy Spirit. But how does that rejection show itself? Let's listen to Jesus explain it today as he speaks with people who were blinded by sin: Outline: Why do people reject Jesus? 1. They do not accept his authority 2. They do not judge righteously Verse: “My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me.
Viewed 576 times - Created by bdsmith.
John 7:1-13 A Sovereign Timetable If you have ever had a sibling not treat you well, you know that can be really hard. Jesus knew what this felt like too. John 7 tells us that not even his own brothers believed He was the Savior. But Jesus never failed in His plan to save us, even though so many were against Him. Let's think about it: 1. Brotherly betrayal 2. Perfect timing 3. Popular opinion Verse: John 7:5 For not even his brothers believed in him. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Consider for a moment the pain Jesus probably experienced at the unbelief of his brothers. How does this experience of Jesus help us appreciate the scope of his suffering for you? How might this help you in your own hurts and losses? 2. Why did Jesus not go up to the feast at his brothers' urging? Why do you think He went secretly later? Is there a contradiction here? How does this show us Jesus' sovereign timetable for our salvation? 3. What were the popular opinions about Jesus in vv. 11-13? How might they reflect people's views about Jesus today?
Viewed 634 times - Created by bdsmith.
Last week we heard Jesus say hard things. He said that believing in him is like eating his flesh and drinking his blood (in other words, taking Jesus into the deepest part of our hearts). But some were offended when Jesus said this, and they left him. Why do some walk away from him, and others stay? Let's think about it today: Outline: 1. Why are some people offended by Jesus? 2. Why do some stay with Jesus? 3. Where else can we go? Verse: John 6:68 “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life...
Viewed 151 times - Created by bdsmith.
Last week we heard Jesus say hard things. He said that believing in him is like eating his flesh and drinking his blood (in other words, taking Jesus into the deepest part of our hearts). But some were offended when Jesus said this, and they left him. Why do some walk away from him, and others stay? Let's think about it today: Outline: 1. Why are some people offended by Jesus? 2. Why do some stay with Jesus? 3. Where else can we go? Verse: John 6:68 “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life...
Viewed 178 times - Created by bdsmith.
Last week we heard Jesus say hard things. He said that believing in him is like eating his flesh and drinking his blood (in other words, taking Jesus into the deepest part of our hearts). But some were offended when Jesus said this, and they left him. Why do some walk away from him, and others stay? Let's think about it today: Outline: 1. Why are some people offended by Jesus? 2. Why do some stay with Jesus? 3. Where else can we go? Verse: John 6:68 “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life...
Viewed 556 times - Created by bdsmith.
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