These words describe King Joash and the offerings the people gave to rebuild God's temple.
Viewed 8087 times - Created inside Church and Religion. These words are associated with the Bible truth of God providing manna and quail to the Israelites in the wilderness after they have crossed the Red Sea.
Viewed 7530 times - Created inside Church and Religion. These words describe God working through Jeremiah to dictate His Word to Baruch the scribe, and the reaction of King Jehoiakim to what was written on the scroll for the people of Judah.
Viewed 10388640 times - Created inside Church and Religion. These words describe what happened when Daniel and his friends decided they would follow God's rules instead of eating the king's food.
Viewed 5566 times - Created inside Church and Religion. These words describe what happened when Daniel and his friends decided they would follow God's rules instead of eating the king's food.
Viewed 4411 times - Created inside Church and Religion. The words in this puzzle describe the apostle Paul's letter to the Corinthians encouraging believers in Christ to use their God given talents and abilities to serve God. All believers belong to the same body. Each person is an important part of this body.
Viewed 3946 times - Created inside Church and Religion. In the New Testament book of Matthew Jesus teaches us to trust God rather than worry.
Viewed 2328 times - Created inside Church and Religion. These puzzle words describe the people, places, and events surrounding Jesus' birth.
Viewed 2438 times - Created inside Church and Religion. |
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