David said to God, “I have sinned greatly by what I have done! Now, I beg you to forgive me, your servant, because I have been very foolish.”
Viewed 1804 times - Created inside Church and Religion. God offered to give Solomon whatever he wanted. Solomon could have asked for money, honor or a long life, but instead he chose to ask for wisdom so that he could lead the people of Israel well.
Viewed 2025 times - Created inside Church and Religion. Solomon built a Temple for the Lord on Mount Moriah.
Viewed 2216 times - Created inside Church and Religion. Adonijah tries to steal David's throne, but David has other plans. 1 Kings 1: 5-53
Viewed 2439 times - Created inside Church and Religion. Solomon was a very wise king, but he disobeyed God and worshipped idols. Because of this, God chose one of Solomon's servants to rule over Israel after Solomon's death. But because God had promised David that someone from his family would always rule Israel, he allowed one of Solomon's sons to rule over one tribe.
Viewed 2002 times - Created inside Church and Religion. Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal to a test to see who was the real God.
Viewed 2058 times - Created inside Church and Religion. Elijah told King Ahab that no rain would fall until God allowed it.
Viewed 1891 times - Created inside Church and Religion. You freed the man I said should die, so your life will be taken instead of his.
Viewed 1830 times - Created inside Church and Religion. The voice that spoke to Elijah in the Mount.
Viewed 2438 times - Created inside Church and Religion. Ahab wanted to buy Naboth's vineyard, but Naboth would not give up his family's land. Ahab's wife, the wicked Queen Jezebel, had the townspeople frame Naboth and kill him so that Ahab could take the vineyard.
Viewed 2247 times - Created inside Church and Religion. |
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