some kings of the middle ages
Viewed 2440 times - Created inside History. whaf sort of weather do we have in the united kingdom?
Viewed 4811 times - Created inside Geography. King Henry 11 and Thomas Becket were friends until Thomas refused to follow Henry's orders. Then everything went very wrong.
Viewed 2840 times - Created inside History. lower ability year 7 introduction to portry course
Viewed 2812 times - Created inside Language Skills. Blake used adjectives to help the reader
Viewed 2328 times - Created inside Language Skills. Preparation for a letter of complaint about performing bears in Bulgaria.
Viewed 2626 times - Created inside Language Skills. The King wanted yet more money to be paid to him in taxes but the peasants refused to pay. The result was trouble.
Viewed 10647 times - Created inside History. Them weather and climate of Britain.
Viewed 3433 times - Created inside Geography. Big Malc brags too much.
Viewed 2768 times - Created inside Language Skills. Big Malc brags too much.
Viewed 3099 times - Created inside Language Skills. Find the words in the wordsearch all about map reading.
Viewed 4424 times - Created inside Geography. Find these key words to do with Judaism
Viewed 6939 times - Created inside Church and Religion. can you find these words from our english lessons
Viewed 2482 times - Created inside Books and Literature. what is skellig?
Viewed 2175 times - Created inside Books and Literature. all about st ives cornwall
Viewed 2387 times - Created inside Geography. find these words to do with St. Ives
Viewed 2086 times - Created inside Geography. Smugglers cove or Harry Potter boarding school. What sort of attraction would plan for st ives?
Viewed 2617 times - Created inside Geography. angels and death, angels and life
Viewed 2720 times - Created inside Books and Literature. Now that we have finished reading Consad it is time to write a book review. These words will help you to do that.
Viewed 2594 times - Created inside Books and Literature. can you find all the french words?
Viewed 3680 times - Created inside Language Skills. Find these words
Viewed 5989 times - Created inside Language Skills. find the words from William Blakes poems
Viewed 2583 times - Created inside Books and Literature. A Great British Holiday Resort
Viewed 3360 times - Created inside Geography. an antonym is a word meaning the opposite of another word
Viewed 2915 times - Created inside Language Skills. Find these words from Skallig by David Almond
Viewed 3845 times - Created inside Books and Literature. A ballad
Viewed 2852 times - Created inside Books and Literature. Find the SYNONYMS
Viewed 3341 times - Created inside Language Skills. There are four types of sentences.Find them in the wordsearch.
Viewed 2773 times - Created inside Language Skills. Find out about Tudor / Stuart life by reading someones will.
Viewed 2240 times - Created inside History. Find the names of the different learning styles
Viewed 5766 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. The first few words in french
Viewed 2883 times - Created inside Language Skills. Who is who in Salem
Viewed 2785 times - Created inside History. Find out about Tudor / Stuart life by reading someones will.
Viewed 2542 times - Created inside History. What sort of things do we find in a ballad?
Viewed 2690 times - Created inside Books and Literature. Find the green words
Viewed 2574 times - Created inside Books and Literature. Learn to spell words with silent letters
Viewed 2608 times - Created inside Language Skills. Do you now know all about the English tests?
Viewed 2436 times - Created inside Language Skills. Learn the days and months in French
Viewed 9041 times - Created inside Language Skills. What are the main causes of pollytion?
Viewed 2734 times - Created inside Geography. Find the words about synagogues
Viewed 13873 times - Created inside Church and Religion. What to look for when examining texts closely
Viewed 3049 times - Created inside Books and Literature. All about Moses
Viewed 10589 times - Created inside Church and Religion. What are volcanoes
Viewed 2492 times - Created inside Geography. Words to describe Prosperos Character
Viewed 6921 times - Created inside Books and Literature. remember this in the exam
Viewed 2553 times - Created inside Language Skills. What types of questions will there be in the test?
Viewed 2486 times - Created inside Language Skills. Words for Ghost stories
Viewed 3740 times - Created inside Books and Literature. Things to remember about writing to answer questions in the yr 7 and 8 exams
Viewed 2990 times - Created inside Language Skills. Find the words about Joseph
Viewed 9289 times - Created inside Church and Religion. remember this in the exam
Viewed 2462 times - Created inside Language Skills. What changed industry in england in the eighteenth century
Viewed 2781 times - Created inside History. Can you find these words from the Weaving Contest
Viewed 2940 times - Created inside Books and Literature. C'est de quelle couleur?
Viewed 6153 times - Created inside Language Skills. The beginnings of adulthood for Jews
Viewed 3399 times - Created inside Church and Religion. The incustrial revolution
Viewed 2513 times - Created inside History. How did Christmas come about?
Viewed 2298 times - Created inside History. Do you know the colours in french?
Viewed 9253 times - Created inside Language Skills. More words all about earthquakes and volcanoes
Viewed 7971 times - Created inside Geography. RML Celia Smith's Goldfish Pie
Viewed 2759 times - Created inside Books and Literature. RML Celia Smith's Goldfish Pie
Viewed 2595 times - Created inside Books and Literature. You are going to make a newspaper. First step:who is your audience?
Viewed 3266 times - Created inside News. the next module :RML
Viewed 3527 times - Created inside Books and Literature. wHICH DOG SHOULD BE SAVED - you decide
Viewed 2683 times - Created inside Language Skills. mOSES AT MOUNT SINAI
Viewed 3676 times - Created inside Church and Religion. Geography - what is it?
Viewed 2748 times - Created inside Geography. rml BEEP BEEP
Viewed 2893 times - Created inside Books and Literature. Find out about Romeo and Juliet.
Viewed 2184 times - Created inside Books and Literature. All these words have something to do with the book and film Rabbit Proof Fence.
Viewed 4379 times - Created inside Books and Literature. How do we measure our quality of life? How much does our environment have to do with our quality of life?
Viewed 3255 times - Created inside Geography. Put a story together for a news broadcast
Viewed 3335 times - Created inside News. Ftnding out more about Brazil
Viewed 2572 times - Created inside Geography. wHAT IS rOMEO AND jULIET ALL ABOUT
Viewed 2489 times - Created inside Books and Literature. Do we know how to take carte of our skin in the sun?
Viewed 2775 times - Created inside Health. Do we know how to take care of our skin in the sun?
Viewed 2937 times - Created inside Health. Brazil - what's it like?
Viewed 3971 times - Created inside Geography. These are all different sorts of diseases
Viewed 2462 times - Created inside Language Skills. A simple sentence contains a subject, a verb and an object. A sentence can have just two words, or even just one e.g. Stop!
Viewed 3943 times - Created inside Language Skills. Who are the main characters in Shakespeare's play The Tempest?
Viewed 3776 times - Created inside Books and Literature. Find these words from the first two chapters of the ghost of Thomas Kempe.
Viewed 3206 times - Created inside Books and Literature. Find the poetic terms in the wordsearch. Do you know what they mean?
Viewed 6325 times - Created inside Books and Literature. Year 10 Spellings
Viewed 2470 times - Created inside Language Skills. Find all the words from the book we're reading.
Viewed 2787 times - Created inside Books and Literature. Alcohol abuse can kill. Find these words to do with alcohol.
Viewed 3965 times - Created inside Health. Year 10 spellings - do you know them yet?
Viewed 2333 times - Created inside Language Skills. Check your understanding of the first Beast Quest book by doing this wordsearch
Viewed 7401 times - Created inside Books and Literature. do you know ? how to spell plurals ?
Viewed 5181 times - Created inside Language Skills. 'ch' and 'que' saying 'k'
Viewed 2506 times - Created inside Language Skills. Can you fing the words from our reading text 'Hay Into Gold'?
Viewed 2876 times - Created inside Books and Literature. igh words feature in the story of Bill Bright - can you find some words from the story in the wordsearch?
Viewed 2411 times - Created inside Language Skills. igh words feature in the story of Bill Bright - can you find some words from the story in the wordsearch?
Viewed 3815 times - Created inside Language Skills. Characters in War Horse - who's who and hwere's it all happening?
Viewed 12735 times - Created inside Books and Literature. How well do you know your new school?
Viewed 2812 times - Created inside School. What qualities does a hero have?
Viewed 3028 times - Created inside Language Skills. Strong verbs help the reader to get into the story. Find all the strong verbs in the wordsearch.
Viewed 3202 times - Created inside Language Skills. Strong verbs help the reader to get into the story. Find all the strong verbs in the wordsearch.
Viewed 3162 times - Created inside Language Skills. What qualities does a hero have?
Viewed 4201 times - Created inside Language Skills. Find these words about Christmas
Viewed 4520 times - Created inside Church and Religion. Find these words about Christmas
Viewed 2418 times - Created inside Church and Religion. Want to spell some plurals?
Viewed 2575 times - Created inside Language Skills. Want to spell some plurals?
Viewed 2420 times - Created inside Language Skills. Use the words in the wordsearch to help you to write your film review
Viewed 3385 times - Created inside Movies. Use the words in the wordsearch to help you to write your film review
Viewed 3247 times - Created inside Movies. |
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