Word Search Games By MrsAguilera!

Word Search Games By MrsAguilera!
Welcome back to school! Here is a list of school words. See if you can be the first student to find all of them. Good luck!
Viewed 1725 times - Created inside School.

Be the first to find all 19 of our weekly spelling words!
Viewed 1579 times - Created inside School.

Here is a list of geography terms you need to know. Be a star and find them all!
Viewed 1526 times - Created inside Geography.

In this puzzle you will look for words that have long and short o.
Viewed 1596 times - Created inside School.

Find these words that have the long
Viewed 2224 times - Created inside School.

Find as many spelling words as you can! This puzzle focuses on words with suffixes. Remember suffixes are word parts added to the end of root words. For example, ful added to hope becomes hopeful which means full of hope.
Viewed 5206 times - Created inside School.

Wow! See if you can find all 20 spelling words. Remember in a VCCV pattern, when you come across a consonant cluster--th,st,fl,sh,ck,ch,fr,pr,gr, etc--divide the word either before or after the cluster.
Viewed 1825 times - Created inside School.

When you are reading words with the VCV pattern, if you divide the word after the first vowel as in ba-con, the vowel is pronounced with the long sound. If you divide a VCV patterned word after the consonant as in pres-ent, the vowel is pronounced with the short vowel sound.
Viewed 4269 times - Created inside School.

Eureka! Find these exciting gold rush words!
Viewed 2176 times - Created inside History.

Find these words about electricity.
Viewed 1311 times - Created inside Science.

Today you are going to find words that have a hidden silent consonant. In addition, you are going to have words that have the root "visi" which means to see. For example, visible means "able to be seen." Good luck and happy hunting!
Viewed 1256 times - Created inside School.

Find these words with unusual spellings. Be careful. Look for syllables with the schwa sound (vowels that sound like someone punched you in the stomach--uh!). Also Look for words that have double vowel combinations like health and guess. Our word roots for this week are
Viewed 1194 times - Created inside School.

Here is a list of some really wild words. If you are a glutton for a challenge, you won't be flabbergasted with you see these words. Good luck and happy hunting!
Viewed 1752 times - Created inside School.
