Church and Religion: 2024.10.13_kids
John 7:1-13
A Sovereign Timetable
If you have ever had a sibling not treat you well, you know that can be really hard. Jesus knew what this felt like too. John 7 tells us that not even his own brothers believed He was the Savior. But Jesus never failed in His plan to save us, even though so many were against Him. Let's think about it:
1. Brotherly betrayal
2. Perfect timing
3. Popular opinion
Verse: John 7:5 For not even his brothers believed in him.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Consider for a moment the pain Jesus probably experienced at the unbelief of his brothers. How does this experience of Jesus help us appreciate the scope of his suffering for you? How might this help you in your own hurts and losses?
2. Why did Jesus not go up to the feast at his brothers' urging? Why do you think He went secretly later? Is there a contradiction here? How does this show us Jesus' sovereign timetable for our salvation?
3. What were the popular opinions about Jesus in vv. 11-13? How might they reflect people's views about Jesus today?