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Church and Religion: 2024.08.11_kids

John 6:1-15 The Bread of Life Summary: Jesus has the power to do mighty miracles. One of the most amazing miracles is when he fed 5000 people with only five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus can do these things because he is God! Let’s think about the day Jesus miraculously and lovingly provided food for a huge crowd: Outline: 1. An overwhelming need 2. A failed test 3. A Savior who provides Verse: John 6:35 (ESV): Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. On that day when Jesus was with the multitude, why do you think he tested Philip by asking him how they might feed the crowd? What was Jesus’ goal? 2. How do you struggle to believe in God's power and provision for your life? 3. After this miracle, Jesus cautioned people against following him only for his material provision (see John 6:25-28). How might your faith in Jesus be like this at times? 4. How is Jesus the “bread of life?” How does his work reflect and complete Moses’ role with Israel? How can this miracle deepen your trust in Jesus today?

Playing: 2024.08.11_kids

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