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Church and Religion: 2024.06.23_kids

Living Water, Part 3 John 4:19-30 Summary: What is worship? Is it just something we do on Sunday morning? Is it an emotional high? Is it a set of actions (like singing, praying etc)? It is possible for us to go through the motions and not really worship at all. Today as we listen in once more on Jesus' conversation with the woman at the well, let's think about true worship: Outline: 1. True worship is not just about where – it is about whom and how we worship 2. True worship is from our hearts that thirst for God 3. True worship is with our minds that know the truth Verse: John 4:24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. Questions for devotions and family worship: As you study John 4 again, why do you think this conversation eventually led to Jesus and the woman speaking about worship? What does all this have to do with “living water?” Evaluate your own worship. Is it in spirit? In truth? Is there both “heat and light?” Is it from the heart as well as with a mind saturated with the truth? Where do you need to grow?

Playing: 2024.06.23_kids

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