Church and Religion: 2024.04.14_kids
John 2:1-12
The Giver of Joy
Jesus did many miracles during his ministry to show us who he is and what his kingdom is like. His first miracle came when Jesus changed water into wine at a wedding feast. What does this show us about Jesus and his kingdom? Let's think about it:
1. Jesus is sovereign son of God
2. Jesus is the giver of new wine
3. In Jesus, kingdom, the best is yet to come
John 7:37 (ESV): If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink…
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Why did Mary come to Jesus at this wedding when they ran out of wine? Why do you think Jesus answered her the way he did?
2. Why did Jesus have the servants use stone jars used for purification to fill with water? How might this reveal what Jesus was coming to do?
3. John tells us that this miracle revealed Jesus’ glory. What does this show us about the glory of Jesus?
4. What does this miracle show us about our future in Jesus’ kingdom?