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Church and Religion: 2022.09.25_kids

Exodus 20:22-26 Come to the Altar Summary: We're back in Exodus! So far we've heard in Exodus about God's amazing acts of power and mercy, rescuing his people from slavery. Now that they are delivered, what should they do? It is a great question. Since we have been saved by Jesus, what should we do? Let's think about that question today as God gives directions for his rescued people to live a life of worship. Outline: 1. God's rescued people put away idolatry 2. God's rescued people worship Him 3. God's rescued people never stop needing forgiveness Verse: Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood... Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why might these words have been given to Israel immediately after the Ten Commandments? 2. God again warned his people against idolatry. Author Philip Ryken tells us that idolatry happens when

Playing: 2022.09.25_kids

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