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Church and Religion: 2022.04.17_kids

John 20:24-31 My Lord and My God! Summary: Have you ever had doubts about Jesus? Sometimes we all wonder if Christianity is true. The disciples all doubted that Jesus was raised from the dead, including Thomas. Today on this Easter Sunday, let's think about Thomas' doubt, and how God calls us all to believe in Jesus. Outline: 1. Understand Thomas' doubt 2. Behold Jesus' compassion 3. Imitate Thomas' worship 4. Obey Jesus' call to faith Verse: John 20:27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How would you characterize Thomas' struggle to believe that Jesus had risen from the dead? Do you struggle with doubts about Jesus? 2. How is Jesus compassionate and gentle with Thomas? How is he also compassionate with you in your failings and doubts and weakness of faith? 3. How might Jesus be gently calling you to worship, and to a deeper trust in him, and his ways this Easter?

Playing: 2022.04.17_kids

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