Church and Religion: 2021.11.07_kids
Exodus 16:22-36
The Gift of Sabbath
Did you know that Sundays are a gift from God? Today we're going to hear how God gave the gift of a one day Sabbath (rest) to Israel in the wilderness. He taught them to trust Him by giving them a two day's supply of manna on the sixth day of the week, so they could rest on the seventh day. God still gives us a day of rest as well, our Lord's Day (Sundays!). Let's listen in and find out what it means for us:
1. Sabbath is a tool to teach us to rest and trust
2. Sabbath is a gift of God's grace
3. Sabbath is a sign of God's salvation
Verse: Mark 2:27 The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
Questions for Devotions and Family Worship:
1. Why did God give Israel the gift of a one day Sabbath every week? Why does he give it to us? Why did Jesus say