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Church and Religion: 2021.09.12_kids

Exodus 14:1-14 The Lord Will Fight for Your Summary: When you are afraid, what do you do? Do you go to your parents? Do you hide? Do you pray for God's help? Today in Exodus let's watch how God stepped in when His people are in trouble. The army of Egypt chased them down in the desert, but God fought for His people, and He fights for us too. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. The Lord of glory has a battle plan 2. The evil one wants you back 3. Stand firm and watch the Lord fight for you Verse: Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” Discussion Questions: 1. In this passage, God led his people into what seemed like a vulnerable position that actually led Egypt to pursue them. Why did God do this? Is there an application for us in this? 2. When Pharaoh and his army pursued Israel, they turned on Moses (see 14:10-12). After tasting the freedom we have in Christ, how might we be tempted to turn back to our old life when a crisis comes? 3. Moses rebukes Israel by telling them to

Playing: 2021.09.12_kids

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