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Church and Religion: 2021.06.27_kids

Exodus 10:1-20 The Swarm Summary: Did you know that part of our job as adults and parents is to tell you about God's greatness and about His Son Jesus? Today as we come to the plague of locusts on Egypt, God tells them that this story of His great salvation is to be told to the children. So don't ever forget: the great drama of God's salvation is FOR YOU! Outline: 1. Tell our children the old story 2. Humility or humiliation 3. The swarm descends, but God's people are saved Verse: Deut. 6:6-7a And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children.... Discussion Questions: 1. In this plague we learn that part of God's purpose is so that following generations will hear of God's greatness and

Playing: 2021.06.27_kids

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