Church and Religion: 2020.12.20_kids
Luke 2:22-28
Living in Anticipation
Since it is the week of Christmas, let's take some time to think together about why Jesus was born. Long ago (in Luke 2) there was a man named Simeon and a woman named Anna who were waiting in faith and praying for God to send a Savior. They show us what it means to live by faith and worship Jesus this Christmas. Let's think about it:
1. Waiting for Jesus
2. How to be ready to die
3. A Child appointed for falling and rising
Verse: Luke 2:29-30 29 “Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; 30 for my eyes have seen your salvation...
Discussion Questions:
1. How does Simeon's statement describe who Jesus is and what he came to do for us? (see Luke 2:29-32) How is Anna's life portrayed for us by Luke 2:36-38?
2. Why could Simeon depart and die in peace, and how does it apply to us?
3. How is Jesus appointed for the