Church and Religion: 2019.09.08_kids
1 Timothy 5:1-8
Mercy, Part 1
God has a special love and care for those who are unprotected, like the fatherless and the widow (a widow is someone whose husband has died). God is a loving guardian for those who are in need! The Bible shows us that we are to reflect God's love, and care for the widows among us. Let's think about it:
1. Behold our God, the Protector of widows
2. Care for the widow in your family
3. Be a church committed to merciful care of widows
Verse: Psalm 68:5 (ESV) 5 Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.
Discussion Questions:
1. How does Paul describe each family's responsibility to care for their parents/grandparents? Why (biblically) should it begin there?
2. What is the state of our own contemporary culture regarding the care of the aging? What are your own thoughts or plans regarding your parents?
3. Since God has a particular love for the fatherless and the widow, how should that be reflected in our church?