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Church and Religion: 140309_kids

Kings and Queens Genesis 1:26-31 Summary: Do you have jobs to do that are hard or that you don't like? Most of the time we think work is hard an not very fun. But it wasn't always that way! When God made Adam and Eve to be king and queen over the earth, he gave them important work to do! Let's think about that work, and why it is important for us today: 1.The original commands given to God's image bearers: a.Fill the void: Reflect God's image by filling the earth b.Reflect God's image by ruling and subduing the earth with meaningful work 2.The problem: Adam failed in his role as king 3.The hope: Jesus succeeded where Adam failed Verse: Genesis 1:27 7 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

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