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Church and Religion: 131101_kids

Matthew 28:18-20 The Great Mission of NCPC Summary: Have you ever gone on an important mission? When I was a kid I loved to make up secret missions with my friends, sneaking through the woods or the neighborhood to save the world! After Jesus rose from the dead, He gave US, His church the greatest, most important mission anyone could ever be given. He has entrusted us with the mission of making disciples - followers - of Jesus. He calls us to take the Gospel to the world and call people to come follow Him. Will you join in this great mission? Outline: 1. An Absolute authority - As God, Jesus claims authority over all He has made 2. A compelling command - As God, Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations 3. A powerful promise - As God, Jesus promises that He will never leave us alone in this mission Verse: Matthew 28:18-20 18 And Jesus came and said to them,

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