Church and Religion: 120909_kids
Open The Eyes of My Heart
Ephesians 1:17-19
Recently I tried surfing for the first time. I wish I could say I did well, but I fell...A LOT. In fact I never could stand up. So I went to my computer and watched videos on how to surf. I saw the techniques, understood what I needed to do, and so I went out and tried again. Guess what? I still couldn't do it! I knew a bunch of facts about surfing, but I really haven't spent much time on a surfboard, getting to know what it feels like. Knowing God is kind of like that; you can know a lot of facts about God without trusting Him as your Savior. God wants us to get to know him in His Word, developing a relationship with Him as our king, Savior and closest friend. Let's think about it:
1. The plea: to know God deeply
a. It is a request for God to speak to you through his Word and His Holy Spirit
b. It is a request for spiritual sight
2. The content: Spiritual sight helps us to know
a. Hope
b. Blessing
c. Power
Verse: Ephesians 1:16 (ESV)
16 I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers...