Church and Religion: 120422_kids
Sermon Text and Title: Christ's Cry of Fulfillment on the Cross, John 19:28-37
Call to Worship: Ps 69:30-35
Confession of Sin: Ps 69:5
Assurance of Pardon: Ps 103:10-12
Passage for Tithes and Offerings: Phil 4:15-17
Summary of sermon for the kids bulletin: Jesus is the true Passover lamb who took away our sins and saved us from God's punishment. Because of what he's done, we should trust in him for our salvation.
Song of Praise: Praise to the Lord the Almighty #53
Singing God's Praise: Lift High the Cross #263, Not What My Hands Have Done #461
Song: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing #457
Song of Response: Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted