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Health: Heroin

A street name for heroin. receptors that are located in many areas of the brain that are effected by Heroin. the most recently approved treatment for Heroin addiction. A singer who told her mother-in-law that she was addicted to heroin. the smell of heroin tar. a way heroin can enter the body.The drug that is often compared to Heroin. The taste of heroin smoke. Something used t treat Heroin addiction. Over time, a person builds up a __________ for Heroin. The extract from this plants seed pods gives us Heroin. Actress and singer __________ ______ is a Heroin and Oxycontin addict. Actress,fashion designer, and author ________ _____ was arredted for having Heroin in her possession. Actor and Song writer__________ _________ was surrounded by drugs his whole childhood and he became addicted to heroin. Heroins original purpose was to relieve _______.

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