this one will make you want to go to school again! SO SIT DOWN CLASS AND TURN YOUR PAGE TO PAGE 45!
Viewed 1844 times - Created inside School. a list of keywords used, coastlines
Viewed 1690 times - Created inside Geography. The water cycle is when water is used over and over again in a never-ending cycle.
Viewed 2103 times - Created inside Geography. Be careful to not get stuck in the sea, HAVE FUN
Viewed 2205 times - Created inside Geography. Find the months of the year, written in Spanish
Viewed 1837 times - Created inside Language Skills. The Rainforest is full of wonder and amazement, take a trip, see what you can find!
Viewed 7787 times - Created inside Geography. The Amazon is home to many amazing creatures. Here is a list of some of these creatures. See what you can find.
Viewed 1875 times - Created inside Geography. See if you can find some words relating to contours on maps.
Viewed 1521 times - Created inside Geography. What do you know about Oliver Cromwell?
Viewed 1957 times - Created inside History. The castle is under attack, see if you can see all these key words.
Viewed 1901 times - Created inside History. Bonjour, Numbers 1 - 20........ Try to find the numbers in French, they can be found in all directions.
Viewed 2337 times - Created inside Language Skills. |
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