Here are some of the key words and cases that you should remember when writing a question about the actus reus of a crime
Viewed 1620 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. Here are some of the key words and cases that you should remember when writing a question about the actus reus of a crime
Viewed 1246 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. When you have completed the crossword, try to find the answers in the wordsearch. Some of the words are not there! Work out which words ar missing - Take the first letter of each word and create a word that is something that is created by the consumers.
Viewed 1174 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. There are 3 aspects to this activity.(i) Find the words in the word serch and match them to the definitions (fill in the gaps as you go). (ii)Some of the words may be relevant to a number of the units of this module, but you should identify unit that has not been included (This should be clear because the 'essential' aspects of it are not specifically contained in the wordsearch.(iii) Complete the definitions for this section yourself.
Viewed 1551 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. |
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