Word Search Games By pgori00!

Word Search Games By pgori00!
Words related to School
Viewed 3934 times - Created inside School.

Words found in the Bible relating to Noah and the Ark.
Viewed 3837 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Jesus and His Twelve Apostles.
Viewed 2902 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Puzzle contains words associated with the first Christmas, the night of our Savior's birth.
Viewed 8404 times - Created inside Miscellaneous.

Jesus amazed the diciples by calming the seas and walking on water!
Viewed 2900 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Jesus amazed the people by feeding over 5,000 with only five loaves of bread and two fishes!
Viewed 2765 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Words associated with love and Valentine's Day.
Viewed 2440 times - Created inside Miscellaneous.

Jesus amazed his critics by healing a man who had been blind since birth. But, he was criticized for healing on the Sabbath!
Viewed 2673 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Jesus amazed His friends by bringing Lazarus back to life after he had been in the tomb for four days!
Viewed 3474 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The story of creation as told by Moses. Puzzle includes words used in Chapter 1 of Genesis.
Viewed 3152 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Eve ate the forbidden fruit and gave some to Adam, who also ate it. This was against God's command and was the first sin. When Adam and Eve realized they had done wrong, they hid from God.
Viewed 3327 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God created man in His own image, and woman from man. They were named Adam and Eve, and they were placed in the Garden of Eden. Find words describing this story and the beautiful garden.
Viewed 2505 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a young donkey. It was Passover, and crowds of people witnessed the grand entrance. They spread palm branches and robes on the road ahead of Jesus.
Viewed 5896 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Jesus appeared to two of His followers who were walking to Emmaus and talking about what had happened over the past weekend. But, they didn't recognize Him! Find words in this puzzle that tell about Jesus appearing to these men and what happened when they reached Emmaus.
Viewed 6100 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

When Jesus appeared to the diciples after His resurrection, Thomas was not with them. He didn't believe that the others had seen Jesus when they told him about it. Thomas didn't have the faith to believe without seeing! Find words describing the two appearances of Jesus and Thomas' reaction.
Viewed 3133 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Jesus taught the diciples that they could serve Him by serving others. He instructed them to go to Galilee, but they were tired and confused, so they went fishing first. Jesus met them on the shore and made breakfast for them. He talked to Peter about agape love...unselfish love expressed by unselfish service. Words in this puzzle describe a night of fishing and learning how to serve.
Viewed 3995 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Because the land God sent Abram to couldn't support the herds of both Abram and Lot, Abram let Lot choose where he would live. He chose the Jordan Valley. Abram settled in Canaan. Find words describing the situation and Abram's decision that they should separate.
Viewed 4673 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Words you might use to describe your mother and some of her favorite things on her special day!
Viewed 2728 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Joseph welcomed his aging father, Jacob, and all his brothers when they arrived in Egypt. Words in this puzzle describe events following their arrival, Jacob's blessings to his sons, and the burial of Jacob in Caanan.
Viewed 2611 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Puzzle for kindergartners & first graders. Look for words that describe Joseph, son of Jacob. Remember, words can go in any direction!
Viewed 3088 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Words in this puzzle are from the story of Baby Moses, who was placed in a basket and hidden among the reeds of the Nile River. He was rescued by the Pharaoh's daughter and grew up to become the deliverer of his people.
Viewed 2384 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

For younger children, words telling how Moses was placed in a basket to hide him from the Egyptian soldiers.
Viewed 6236 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

This puzzle uses words found in Matthew 6:5-13, including words from the Lord's Prayer. The scripture explains how to have the right attitude and how to pray according to God's instructions to us.
Viewed 2587 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

For younger children....words from the Lord's Prayer.
Viewed 2370 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Peter was freed of his chains and led out of prison by an angel. Find words associated with Peter's escape and his friends' reaction to the news!
Viewed 5956 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

For younger children....Peter escaped from prison with help from God's angel. Look for words telling how this happened.
Viewed 2314 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Names of cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents!
Viewed 2276 times - Created inside Family and Friends.

Search for words describing the son who went away and squandered all his money, and the father who forgave him and welcomed him home with loving arms.
Viewed 3118 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

For younger children...find words that tell about the son who wasted his money and the father who forgave him.
Viewed 2234 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Jesus was asked by a wealthy young man, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" When Jesus answered, the man walked away. Find words from the conversation between Jesus and the man.
Viewed 1975 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Cornelius was a Roman army officer who had a vision that he was to bring Peter to Caesarea to witness to the Gentiles. Peter also had a vision that encouraged him to share God's word with people of another culture and other religious beliefs. Find words from the Bible story that tell about the visions and the response of the people.
Viewed 15672 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Paul was beaten by an angry crowd, then bound in chains. In spite of this, Paul shared his testimony of how God had blinded him on the road to Damascus and told him to stop persecuting believers and to share the gospel wherever he might be. Find words describing these events and the crowd's reaction.
Viewed 2876 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Paul was beaten by an angry crowd, then bound in chains. In spite of this, Paul shared his testimony of how God had blinded him on the road to Damascus and told him to stop persecuting believers and to share the gospel wherever he might be. Find words describing these events and the crowd's reaction.
Viewed 2771 times - Created inside Church and Religion.
