Word Search Games By Maryanne13!

Word Search Games By Maryanne13!
The parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 as explained by Jesus demonstrates Love to our neighbours and to God. A stranger mugged and beaten up by by robbers was left helpless lying on the road by a priest who came and across him and the Levite. The Good Samaritan however took care of him cleaning up the strangers wounds. We should show love to all irrespective of our relationship with them. In doing this we would be true to ourselves and God.
Viewed 6791 times - Created inside Children and Babies.

The parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 as explained by Jesus demonstrates Love to our neighbours and to God. A stranger mugged and beaten up by robbers was left helpless lying on the road by a priest and a Levite who came across him. The Good Samaritan however took care of him cleaning up the strangers wounds. We should show love to all irrespective of our relationship with them. In doing this we would be true to ourselves and God. Take away Menu - When you walk to School, to work, or to the shops, pray for three people you see on the way. Your prayer might be 'Dear God, please give this person a really good day today and let them notice you somewhere in it.' - Smile at someone you don't like. - Help around the house. So maybe tidy up your room or help clear up the table after a meal.
Viewed 7979 times - Created inside Children and Babies.
