Word Search Games By bbbilger!

Word Search Games By bbbilger!
God promised Abraham that all the people of the earth would be blessed through him. The blessing is in the Person of Jesus Christ.
Viewed 3578 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Work is a gift from God. God tells us throughout Scripture that He gives us work as a gift. Find these words from some of the Bible verses that tell us that.
Viewed 3408 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

All of these words were used in our study of Why We Got the Bible. Can you find all of them?
Viewed 3756 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God's Fourth Commandment tells us to keep the Sabbath day holy.
Viewed 2737 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The Sixth Commandment says, "You shall not murder." In the New Testament, Jesus told His disciples that mean and angry words were sinful and broke the Sixth Commandment.
Viewed 3567 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Can you find all of the words in the puzzle that describe Jeremiah's trouble?
Viewed 4398 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God Wants His People to Obey His Laws.
Viewed 6204 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The Israelites disobeyed God's second commandment. They worshipped a golden calf. Find these words from Exodus 32.
Viewed 14100 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Each of the animals found in this word search has a trait that shows us that they could not have evolved. They were created by our awesome God.
Viewed 4112 times - Created inside Animals and Pets.

God chose human authors to record His inspired words. About forty different authors were used.
Viewed 3622 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Jesus bridged the sin barrier and calls His children to walk in the light.
Viewed 4760 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The Bible is God's inspired gift to all people. Find these words from Joshua 1:1-9 to see what God instructed Joshua to do with this gift.
Viewed 3710 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

True faith enables God's children to endure trials with joy. James 1 tells how faith works everyday.
Viewed 3346 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The words in this puzzle are words that are found in the Bible.
Viewed 3399 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God's Word is true, and He is true to His Word.
Viewed 3883 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God teaches His children to love Him rather than the world. 1 John 2:15-29
Viewed 3399 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God sends His Spirit who lives in, guides, and empowers His children. 1 John 4 tells us about God's love.
Viewed 3653 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Ezra was a scribe. He copied God's Word. He had a pure heart.
Viewed 3243 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God gives the gift of eternal life to everyone who believes in Jesus. 1 John 5 tells us that if we believe that Jesus is God's son, then we are born of God.
Viewed 7472 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God calls His children to walk with Him. 1 John 3 gives us instructions on how to do this.
Viewed 4255 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Sin is a barrier that keeps us from having fellowship with God. We can cross the sin barrier by believing in Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
Viewed 3821 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

the Ninth Commandment tells us not to lie. In Genesis 12, we read about Abram and Sarai breaking that commandment.
Viewed 3020 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

True faith enables God's children to endure trials with joy. James 1 tells how faith works everyday.
Viewed 3760 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

In Psalm 19 David declares that all creation shows us the glory of God. The words in your word search came from that Psalm.
Viewed 4796 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

In Deuteronomy 11, God told His children to teach His commandments to their children.
Viewed 3141 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

In His creation, we see God's wisdom. In His Son, we see His love. In His Word, we see God's plan for our lives.
Viewed 3720 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God chose human authors to record His inspired words. About forty different authors were used.
Viewed 4303 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The Bible is God's inspired gift to all people. Find these words from Joshua 1:1-9 to see what God instructed Joshua to do with this gift.
Viewed 3985 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

In Psalm 19 David declares that all creation shows us the glory of God. The words in your word search came from that Psalm.
Viewed 13437 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

In 2 Chronicles 34, we read about King Josiah. Find these words in that scripture.
Viewed 3097 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

James 2 tells us of God's "royal law" to love our neighbors as ourselves. We love our neighbors by providing for their needs. Find these words from James 2.
Viewed 2956 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

True faith helps God's children to live unselfishly and to overcome pride. Find these words from James 4.
Viewed 3076 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God's Word is alive and filled with His promises and His power. King Jehoiakim tried to destroy the words that God had given to Jeremiah. Find these words from Jeremiah 36.
Viewed 3438 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

True faith helps God's children to live unselfishly and to overcome pride. Find these words from James 4.
Viewed 2804 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The eighth commandment tells us not to steal. God wants us to know that stealing hurts not only the person who lost something, but also the one who stole it.
Viewed 4054 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God prepared Moses to lead His people. His life as a Hebrew, his life as the adopted son of Pharaoh's daughter, and his life in the wilderness all prepared him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.
Viewed 2785 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

True faith directs believers to speak words that bless God and others. James 3 tells us that the tongue is very small but very powerful. Find these words from James 3.
Viewed 3973 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God's third commandment tells us not to use His name in vain. Find these words.
Viewed 3084 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God protects His Word, the Bible, so that it stays the same forever. God told Isaiah that His Word is eternal. Find these words from Isaiah 6 and 40.
Viewed 3079 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The fifth commandment tells us to honor our parents. In Genesis 47-48, Joseph shows honor to his father Jacob. These hidden words are from that story.
Viewed 2919 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Isaac trusted God and persevered when the Philistines turned against him.
Viewed 3110 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

In 2 Chronicles 34, we read about King Josiah. Find these words in that scripture.
Viewed 4049 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The Tenth Commandment tells us not to covet. God wants us to be happy with what He provides for us. In Joshua 7, we read about a man named Achan who broke that commandment.
Viewed 3535 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Find these words from Luke 2 which tells us about the birth of our Savior.
Viewed 3310 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God told Solomon that because he loved God and obeyed Him, God would give him anything he asked. God was very pleased when Solomon asked for wisdom. Find the words in the puzzle that can be found in 1 Kings 3:2-15.
Viewed 7047 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The life of Hosea the prophet reflected God's love for His unfaithful people.
Viewed 3871 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

In 2 John God reminds us to love one another. We love by obeying God's commandments.
Viewed 3409 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God inspired 66 books into one. He wants everyone to know how wonderful and loving He is. Find the names of 15 books in our Bible.
Viewed 2663 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God told Joseph the meaning of a dream that He had given Pharaoh. You can read this story in Genesis 41:33-57. These hidden words were taken from that story.
Viewed 4165 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The Lord commands His people to be content with what they have. Achan coveted and took things out of Jericho. Find these words from the book of Joshua.
Viewed 4471 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The Lord commands His people to be content with what they have. Achan coveted and took things out of Jericho. Find these words from the book of Joshua.
Viewed 4046 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

We celebrate the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. We call this day Palm Sunday because the people were waving and laying palm branches in His path.
Viewed 4876 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God's children will receive eternal rewards. James 5 tells us what we should do to prepare for Jesus to return.
Viewed 5625 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Christmas is about Jesus coming to earth to save us from our sins.
Viewed 2628 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God blocked the Jordan so that the Israelites could cross into the Promised Land.
Viewed 2714 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God gave Samuel a message of judgment. Find these words from 1 Samuel 2:23-26 and 4:10-11.
Viewed 2317 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God gave Samuel a message of judgment. Find these words from 1 Samuel 2:23-26 and 4:10-11.
Viewed 2848 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

These words were in our lessons for June and July. See if you can find all of them.
Viewed 2675 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The bodily resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in history.
Viewed 1775 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Soon after Pentecost , the apostles began to be persecuted for preaching the truth.
Viewed 2122 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Find these words that relate to our lesson today
Viewed 2608 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God was faithful to the Israelites and gave them victory over Jericho.
Viewed 1603 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

We have been studying from these books of the Bible. See if you can find them all.
Viewed 3829 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

There are twelve books in the Bible that are called the Minor Prophets. Can you find these names?
Viewed 960 times - Created inside Church and Religion.
