There are rules to obey in most of the places we go. Sometimes people obey as they should and sometimes they don't. Bible people obeyed God or the leaders God gave them and sometimes they didn't. Today we will learn that Joshua was a good leader and obeyed God. The people obeyed Joshua and God was pleased with Joshua and the people when they obeyed.
Viewed 1616 times - Created inside Church and Religion. Joshua obeyed God, and the walls of Jericho tumbled down!
Viewed 3001 times - Created inside Church and Religion. Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah wrote of God's promise to send the Messiah. The Messiah would have many names.
Viewed 2621 times - Created inside Church and Religion. God made ME!! He made me special, different from anybody else. He loves me just the way I am!
Viewed 4095 times - Created inside Church and Religion. Jesus wants us to love EVERYBODY!! Especially our enemies!
Viewed 2510 times - Created inside Family and Friends. King Josiah finds God's Word and promises to obey God and keep His laws.
Viewed 11677 times - Created inside Church and Religion. Who does God love? Below is a list of some of the people that God loves enough, that He sent His own son Jesus, to die for them. Jesus rose on the third day after He died, and He lives in Heaven with God.
Viewed 1806 times - Created inside Church and Religion. Find the New Testament books of the Bible below.
Viewed 1697 times - Created inside Church and Religion. As our study of Canada ends, let's see how many words we can find that we have talked about this month.
Viewed 1671 times - Created inside Church and Religion. Jesus said to love our enemies! How many times can you find the word love in the puzzle below?
Viewed 6804 times - Created inside Church and Religion. |
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