Word Search Games By Sparkle!

Word Search Games By Sparkle!
Places in town / giving directions
Viewed 2101 times - Created inside Miscellaneous.

Furniture / description of room
Viewed 2519 times - Created inside Miscellaneous.

Names of lots of jobs people do in French - male or female forms
Viewed 2078 times - Created inside Miscellaneous.

Can you find all these words we have learned thia year ? What do they mean in English ?
Viewed 2145 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Find these places in a French town
Viewed 2164 times - Created inside Miscellaneous.

Find these 'body' words
Viewed 3110 times - Created inside Miscellaneous.

Find these Easter themed words in French !
Viewed 4002 times - Created inside Miscellaneous.

Find all the places in your holiday village
Viewed 1864 times - Created inside Miscellaneous.

Find all 20 words to do with clothes and fashion
Viewed 2180 times - Created inside Miscellaneous.

Find the hidden words - all to do with school
Viewed 2332 times - Created inside Miscellaneous.

Can you find these difficult to spell words. Could you put them into a sentence?
Viewed 2103 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Which of these French words can you find ? What do they mean ?
Viewed 1668 times - Created inside Miscellaneous.

Can you find all the German food words here ?
Viewed 1847 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Can you find the 20 words about where you live in French
Viewed 2399 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Find these Easter themed words in German
Viewed 3263 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Can you find all these words related to shopping in Germany?
Viewed 2752 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Can you find these 20 words about holidays in German !
Viewed 2885 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Can you find 20 words describing hobbies in French ?
Viewed 2682 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Can you find these French body parts and 'doctor' words?
Viewed 2655 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Can you find the 20 words in German on this board connected with holidays ?
Viewed 3125 times - Created inside Travel and Places.

Can yu find these words you have learnt this year? What do they mean?
Viewed 1664 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Trouvez les 12 mots caches dans la grille
Viewed 2177 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Can you remember the French for the following words? Look at the English words, work out the French translation and then find the FRENCH word on the grid. Bonne chance!
Viewed 2139 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Can you find the 15 words from this unit of work?
Viewed 2088 times - Created inside Miscellaneous.

Find these 15 words in the puzzle and then work out what they mean in English
Viewed 1987 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Find the 15 FRENCH words in this puzzle. You will need to work out the correct words from the ENGLISH first. Bonne chance!
Viewed 1821 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Find the 15 FRENCH words in this puzzle. You will need to work out the correct words from the ENGLISH first. Bonne chance!
Viewed 1585 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Can you find the 15 words from this unit of work?
Viewed 2711 times - Created inside Miscellaneous.

Find the 8 places to stay on the grid and note down the English / letter
Viewed 1608 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Can you find 20 words to do with holidays in French ?
Viewed 2699 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Can you find 20 words to do with holidays in French ?
Viewed 3556 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Find the 8 places to stay on the grid and note down the English / letter
Viewed 1911 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Can you find these words to do with work experience in French?
Viewed 2173 times - Created inside Language Skills.

Can you find these words to do with work experience in French?
Viewed 1847 times - Created inside Language Skills.
