Here is a list of things we might buy at the grocery store.
Viewed 5261 times - Created inside Shopping. These things should come to mind when you think of the month of June.
Viewed 1895 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. These words are things that we associate with the 4th of July.
Viewed 2185 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. What do you think of when you think about the State Fair?
Viewed 10584 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. What should you bring to a family picnic? Not much has changed over the years. We still like have our favorite foods, and we always need some things for entertainment.
Viewed 2562 times - Created inside Food and Cooking. September is when we harvest all the things in the garden, and put up preserves, store away things in the root cellar, and so forth.
Viewed 2244 times - Created inside Home and Garden. Halloween is on the last day of October. These words should come to mind when you think of this haunted holiday.
Viewed 2081 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. We are all looking forward to having a nice dinner on Thanksgiving. Here are some words that might come to mind as you dream about your Thanksgiving this year.
Viewed 3184 times - Created inside Food and Cooking. It's that time of year. How many words from the Christmas list can you find in the puzzle?
Viewed 1737 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. It's cold!!! Where would you like to go to get away from the cold? Here are some places that might come to mind. How many of them have you visited?
Viewed 4786 times - Created inside Travel and Places. Valentine's Day is coming this month. If you really go crazy, you can find a lot of things to do and buy, eat and drink -- use your imagination, right? When you look for these words, maybe you will remember some of your special Valentine's Days in the past.
Viewed 2203 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. If we went to Butte America, we might see some of these things on St. Patrick's Day. They have quite the celebration. In Great Falls we have a parade. If you are Irish, this is a special month. Congratulations!
Viewed 1720 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. The first day of spring is coming soon! Hard to imagine with all the snow still on the ground, but soon we will be seeing and hearing (and smelling) the signs of spring. See if you can find some of them in the word puzzle below.
Viewed 5195 times - Created inside Home and Garden. We all have our memories of Easter. In Montana those memories can be wide-ranging, depending on whether you had snow or green grass and flowers when Easter came. Whatever the weather, some things never change.
Viewed 2513 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. Nurses' Day is coming up in May. This is a day to consider how helpful our nurses are and how much we appreciate their work. The list below contains some essentials for being a nurse. See if you can find all the words in the puzzle.
Viewed 5596 times - Created inside Health. If you planted a garden back in the day, you will remember that it required some planning. You had to buy seeds, and you had to make a list of what you needed. See if you can find the words in this gardening list.
Viewed 4015 times - Created inside Home and Garden. Well, maybe not the REALLY old days but, back in the days before videogames, camping was really an experience in making do with very little and having a good time doing it. These words might bring back memories.
Viewed 1992 times - Created inside Travel and Places. After a summer of camping, fishing and travelling around, do you remember some of your favorite places in Montana?
Viewed 1563 times - Created inside Travel and Places. These trees have leaves that turn colors in the fall. See if you can find all of them in the puzzle.
Viewed 2020 times - Created inside Home and Garden. Here are almost a hundred varieties of apples. Here are some of them.
Viewed 1622 times - Created inside Food and Cooking. In the old days Christmas presents given to children could be very simple, but were so very much appreciated! See if you can find these gifts in our puzzle.
Viewed 2298 times - Created inside Children and Babies. So now it's that time of year when we all feel like we over-indulged in holiday treats, and we are trying to be good boys and girls and eat properly again. We are trying to buy only things that are good for us. Here's the shopping list of somebody with very good intentions. See if you can find all these foods in the puzzle below.
Viewed 79811 times - Created inside Health. How many of these candies can you find in the puzzle?
Viewed 1687 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. Spring comes in March. Here are some items we associate with the new season. See if you can find them all.
Viewed 1888 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. Flowers that come up in the spring time are a favorite. It depends on where you live. Some places have all of these flowers, and some have only a few.
Viewed 3530 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. On May Fifth, people celebrate a historic event of great significance to North Americans. Cinco de Mayo commemorates the anniversary of General Ignacio Zaragoza's defeat of the French at the small village of Puebla. This word search contains items for your Cinco de Mayo Party.
Viewed 3195 times - Created inside Food and Cooking. It's often hard to figure out what to get Dad for Father's Day, but here are some suggestions!
Viewed 1920 times - Created inside Family and Friends. We always expect to see some things in a parade -- things we see almost every time. See if you can find these parade items in the word puzzle below.
Viewed 3188 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. There are many grains that are grown in the United States. See if you can find all these grains in the puzzle below.
Viewed 2497 times - Created inside Food and Cooking. It's back to school time. Remember all those subjects that we had to study in school? See if you can find them in the puzzle.
Viewed 2861 times - Created inside School. It's back to school time. Remember all those subjects that we had to study in school? See if you can find them in the puzzle.
Viewed 2152 times - Created inside School. All those kids coming to our doors for Trick or Treat this Halloween will be dressed in costumes ranging from Angels to Zebras. See if you can find the costumes in the puzzle below.
Viewed 1982 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. All those kids coming to our doors for Trick or Treat this Halloween will be dressed in costumes ranging from Angels to Zebras. See if you can find the costumes in the puzzle below.
Viewed 1892 times - Created inside Miscellaneous. |
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