Causes of World War I
Viewed 1321 times - Created inside History. POLAR LANDS BIOME
Viewed 1917 times - Created inside Geography. POLAR LANDS BIOME
Viewed 3521 times - Created inside Geography. CORAL REEFS BIOME
Viewed 1370 times - Created inside Science. CORAL REEFS BIOME
Viewed 1086 times - Created inside Science. CORAL REEFS BIOME
Viewed 1170 times - Created inside Science. I assure you, brothers, the gospel I proclaimed to you is no mere human invention. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I schooled in it. It came by revelation from Jesus Christ. You have heard, I know, the story of my former way of life in Judaism. You know that I went to extremes in persecuting the Church of God, and tried to destroy it. But the time came when he who had set me apart before I was born and called me by his favour chose to reveal his Son to me, that I might spread among the Gentiles the good tidings concerning him. Immediately, without seeking human advisers or even going to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before me, I went off to Arabia; later I returned to Damascus. Three years after that I went up to Jerusalem to get to know Cephas, with whom I stayed fifteen days. I did not meet any other apostles except James, the brother of the Lord. The communities of Christ in Judea had no idea what I looked like; they had only heard that “he who was formerly persecuting us is now preaching the faith he tried to destroy,” and they gave glory to God on my account. - from a letter from Saint Paul the Apostle to the Christians in Galatia
I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. So do not be ashamed of your testimony to our Lord, nor of me, a prisoner for his sake; but bear your share of the hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God. - Saint Paul in his second letter to Saint Timothy.
Viewed 2600 times - Created inside Church and Religion. WORLD WAR I : TRENCH WARFARE / CONDITIONS OF WAR
Viewed 5582 times - Created inside History. TECHNOLOGY AND WEAPONS IN WORLD WAR I
Viewed 968 times - Created inside History. |
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