Directions: By yourself with no talking. This is you WARNING TALKING DURING ENTRY TASK TODAY MAY LEAD INSTANTLY TO A REFLECTION!!! Before you do the word search I want you to make a scientifc drawing in your science notebook of your 1 favorite food. Remember BIG, LABELED, COLORED, ACCURATE, DETAILED, and SPECIFIC.
Viewed 4290 times - Created by ikefrenzy.
Key Terms Involving Oil Spills
Viewed 1652 times - Created by jakemccallum.


Crossword Puzzle
Viewed 2950 times - Created by CHRiS27.
By yourself no talking! DO THE CROSSWORD FIRST
Viewed 2473 times - Created by ikefrenzy.
Find the hidden scientific terms that are related to matter!
Viewed 1891 times - Created by lubianskix.
Find the hidden scientific terms that are related to matter!
Viewed 1662 times - Created by lubianskix.
Find these terms that are related to static and current electricity.
Viewed 820 times - Created by sherri harris.
Find these terms that are related to static and current electricity.
Viewed 856 times - Created by sherri harris.
Unit 5 and 6 Vocabulary
Viewed 1390 times - Created by hlucier.
Unit 5 and 6 Vocabulary
Viewed 1202 times - Created by hlucier.
Directions: Below find the words dealing with our battery experiment, do this by yourself with not talking. Next on either the bottom or the back, I want your hypothesis on what made the battery work. Try to think like a scientist and dont just give a simple answer.
Viewed 7477 times - Created by ikefrenzy.
diffrent type of flowers
Viewed 1121 times - Created by chandurwala.
Find all words
Viewed 1193 times - Created by blue98.
Here's some words that you have taken during the first term
Viewed 1156 times - Created by nakashima.
Find these words and turn it in!!!!!!! (You MUST turn it in, it is a grade)
Viewed 765 times - Created by sscott23.
Created for my ESL students (6 years)
Viewed 1387 times - Created by sarita_em.
This wordsearch is full of all the facts you have just read in the newletter GOOD LUCK!
Viewed 1692 times - Created by amy_roden.
This wordsearch is full of all the facts you have just read in the newletter GOOD LUCK!
Viewed 1411 times - Created by amy_roden.
Different Layers of the Earth
Viewed 2235 times - Created by Lexi Hughes.
C1a Revision
Viewed 2019 times - Created by shanila.
1941 to 1960 of 6188 in 310 pages
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