The Planet of Albaran
Viewed 3947 times - Created by lbaker.
quality words
Viewed 818 times - Created by Brenda Warsop.


There are 18 words that we have learned during the unit Farmyard’s Friends listed in the word search table below. How many words can you find? Words to find are provided in the clue. Many words are placed back to front and/or diagonally. Some letters are used more than once.
Viewed 1010 times - Created by hee_soo_kim.
school presentation
Viewed 1265 times - Created by kris4570.
What Would You Find In A School?
Viewed 2175 times - Created by 1ankai.
Millions of people in America are homeschooling their children and more begin the journey each year. More time together as a family, studies suited to their children, learning that learning is a part of life -- and that it can be fun! -- these are just some of the reasons for this growing educational system. Homeschooling isn't for everyone, but for those suited to it, it can be the adventure of a lifetime!
Viewed 3412 times - Created by mary.
Things you find in math
Viewed 2963 times - Created by kolley.
Things you need for school
Viewed 3732 times - Created by kolley.
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