Name: _______________________________ Puzzle must be placed in drop box located in the lobby by 1600 on Wednesday, October 26th.
Viewed 1676 times - Created by Melinda Billings.
contains key words from machiavelli's the prince
Viewed 1314 times - Created by niar19.


contains key words from machiavelli's the prince
Viewed 1290 times - Created by niar19.
winter-words kriss-kross
Viewed 931 times - Created by gabgen.
Fall Investment Campaign
Viewed 1615 times - Created by Muriel MacKay.
Fall Investment Campaign
Viewed 1134 times - Created by Muriel MacKay.
Find the CORRECT SEVEN "Base to face" checkpoints from the list, in the wordsearch.
Viewed 713 times - Created by pablo9.
chapter 2
Viewed 3961 times - Created by william1234.
chapter 2
Viewed 4226 times - Created by william1234.
This wordsearch is all about the words you have learned while studying your Customer Service course. All you have to do is find the words!
Viewed 3558 times - Created by Karen5811.
This wordsearch is all about the words you have learned while studying your Customer Service course. All you have to do is find the words!
Viewed 1762 times - Created by Karen5811.
Awesome fun wordfind!!
Viewed 2314 times - Created by Nicholas19.
differences in sleeping patterns
Viewed 1723 times - Created by gabby1261.
differences in sleeping patterns
Viewed 1539 times - Created by gabby1261.
differences in sleeping patterns
Viewed 886 times - Created by gabby1261.
Find all the words in Spanish on the word search! There are no spaces between the words on the word search.
Viewed 6061 times - Created by stinarocks619.
Find all the words in Spanish on the word search! There are no spaces between the words on the word search.
Viewed 3382 times - Created by stinarocks619.
How many words linked to the theme of harvest can youi find below?
Viewed 1222 times - Created by lgamble.
How many words linked to the theme of harvest can youi find below?
Viewed 1111 times - Created by lgamble.
The 60’s. It was a time of political controversy, rebellion, protest marches, bare feet, and flower power. From the dust of the 60’s turmoil rose a new cultural lifestyle with a new breed of people: We called them Hippies. They were children of peace who criticized middle class values, rebelled against established institutions and were against the Vietnam War. They were a new and liberated class of people who gave preference to freedom, love, and peace. They were set apart from others by the way they looked, how they thought, and how they spoke. There emerged a language that they alone understood and this too helped set them apart from the rest of society. Below is a list of unique words that made the language of the Hippy their very own: • Far out: If something was far out, it was better than groovy. “Pete’s a real far out guy!” • Dude: A dude was a geek of the 60’s. “Pete’s brother is a dude.” • Drag: A drag was anything boring. “Do you know Pete’s brother? That dude’s a drag.” • Dig: To understand. “Do you dig what I’m saying dude?” “I dig it!” • Peace Out: Goodbye. “I’m going to split, peace out brother.” • Threads: Your clothes. “Pete’s brother’s threads are far out for a dude.” • Hang Loose: Don’t get your tail in a knot, relax. “I know Pete’s brother is a drag but hang loose until he splits.” • Brother: Any good person or a friend was your brother. “That brother’s no drag.” • Gut Wadding: Fast food was called gut wadding. “Come on Pete, let’s scarf some gut wadding at the burger joint.” Ah, the 60’s. If you were cool, you were hip. Bellbottom jeans were in, torn and frayed jeans, tie dye shirts, love beads, head bands, granny dresses, granny glasses, sandals, crocheted hats and belts, ankle bells, and bare feet were all part of the Hippy life style. Where are they now?
Viewed 1339 times - Created by ae172505.
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