Language Skills
Language sharpness
Viewed 488 times - Created by olsen.
spanish pencil case items
Viewed 1529 times - Created by bex.


Another list of antonyms for students to use as pairs.
Viewed 1614 times - Created by peggy rogers.
List of antonyms for students to use as pairs.
Viewed 1557 times - Created by peggy rogers.
Number Words
Viewed 1418 times - Created by newman.
Circle the Halloween Challange Words listed below.
Viewed 1170 times - Created by Mtpiper.
Here are some useful English expressions to try!
Viewed 782 times - Created by lightfootatlarge.
find the rest of the tech words
Viewed 736 times - Created by moonbeam2dawn.
find all the tech words
Viewed 928 times - Created by moonbeam2dawn.
Find the words hidden in the box below.
Viewed 497 times - Created by MissDaisy.
Find as many words as you can below. All words are contained on your vocab sheet.
Viewed 484 times - Created by bec.
Viewed 753 times - Created by ALmightyFox6.
Eliminating needless adverbs streamlines your writing. Omitting these intensifiers makes you sound more credible and businesslike. See how many needless adverbs you can find.
Viewed 968 times - Created by sgooding.
Viewed 1069 times - Created by sasheemonet.
Spelling words
Viewed 772 times - Created by roxanne.
Find your spelling words in this puzzle.
Viewed 15947 times - Created by littledo.
Ashley Porter Engligh 3 1st hour 9265
Viewed 922 times - Created by ashleyp.
aggressive alienated angry annoyed anxious apathetic bashful bored cautious confident confused curious depressed determined disappointed discourage embarrassed enthusiastic envious ecstatic excited exausted fearful frightened frustrated guilty happy helpless hopeful hostile humiliated hurt hysterical innocent interested jealous lonely loved lovestruck mischievous miserable negative optimistic pained paranoid peaceful proud puzzled regretjul relieved sad satisfied shocked shy sorry stubborn sure surprised suspicious thoughtful undecided withdrawn
Viewed 1430 times - Created by sadie.
aggressive alienated angry annoyed anxious apathetic bashful bored cautious confident confused curious depressed determined disappointed discourage embarrassed enthusiastic envious ecstatic excited exausted fearful frightened frustrated guilty happy helpless hopeful hostile humiliated hurt hysterical innocent interested jealous lonely loved lovestruck mischievous miserable negative optimistic pained paranoid peaceful proud puzzled regretjul relieved sad satisfied shocked shy sorry stubborn sure surprised suspicious thoughtful undecided withdrawn
Viewed 1274 times - Created by sadie.
Social skills
Viewed 871 times - Created by south campus.
5281 to 5300 of 5687 in 285 pages
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