Language Skills
See if you can find the following weather words:
Viewed 1839 times - Created by Maura Lynch.
You need to find all of the 'ea' words. When you find words with the short 'ea' sound you will need to colour the sound in blue and the remainder of the letters in orange. All of the words without the short sound, can be done in lead pencil. Good luck
Viewed 1616 times - Created by hayleymexted.


all about thdhjbglik
Viewed 4168 times - Created by shawnyboy108.
Find The words
Viewed 4230 times - Created by shazlina.
Find the Past Tense of the words given
Viewed 5452 times - Created by shazlina.
Viewed 1316 times - Created by tisha884.
encuentra 10 adjetivos
Viewed 2343 times - Created by ancorper.
find the literary terms
Viewed 1319 times - Created by jgabelmann.
Try and find all the words in the word search.
Viewed 1175 times - Created by dianacook4.
For AS level
Viewed 1043 times - Created by magnus4444.
This is a wordsearch with words ending in ng.
Viewed 2031 times - Created by sarahmag.
words connected to France
Viewed 1333 times - Created by marypoppins.
Find the words in the word search. They may be diagonal, vertical, or horizontal.
Viewed 8035 times - Created by zanol678.
Days of the week - recognition and spelling
Viewed 1163 times - Created by STEPHPINHORN.
Days of the week - recognition and spelling
Viewed 1395 times - Created by STEPHPINHORN.
Found - aids word recognition
Viewed 2029 times - Created by stephpinhorn.
Found - aids word recognition
Viewed 1528 times - Created by stephpinhorn.
Viewed 1163 times - Created by emily velasquez.
Find the vocabulary words from our story The Art Lesson.
Viewed 3587 times - Created by dosiadacz.
from Soundwaves book
Viewed 1555 times - Created by jojay05.
2141 to 2160 of 5687 in 285 pages
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