Find the careers in this word puzzle. Encuentra las carreras en esta sopa de letras
Viewed 3014 times - Created by mildp3.
Find the careers in this word puzzle. Encuentra las carreras en esta sopa de letras
Viewed 1113 times - Created by mildp3.
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Homophones and Homographs
Viewed 1963 times - Created by Bobjr.
Use this puzzle to Identify some of the tool we have been learning in class. Gaining Control of Ourselves is a good tool to add to your tool belt. Be aware of what cause these feelings, learn to idetify them and move beyond them.
Viewed 1860 times - Created by pashford.
spelling words
Viewed 1469 times - Created by mrs.
Words relevant to the text type of Narratives
Viewed 4604 times - Created by erin barker.
Find each of your spelling words and words with similar sounds. Once you have found them all, put 10 of them into detailed, descriptive sentences. Good luck and have fun!!
Viewed 1851 times - Created by jhs.
Find each of your spelling words and words with similar sounds. Once you have found them all, put 10 of them into detailed, descriptinve sentences. Good luck and have fun!!
Viewed 2236 times - Created by jhs.
Find each of your spelling words and words with similar sounds. Once you have found them all, put 10 of them into detailed, descriptive sentences. Good luck and have fun!!
Viewed 1638 times - Created by jhs.
Find each of your spelling words and words with similar sounds. Once you have found them all, put 10 of them into detailed, descriptive sentences. Good luck and have fun!!
Viewed 1730 times - Created by jhs.
Find the following words in the puzzle.
Viewed 2533 times - Created by cmcleod.
When you hear the (ur) sounds, think of the patterns er, ir, ur, ear, and or. When you hear the (ir) sounds, think of the patterns eer, and ear.
Viewed 1754 times - Created by garybob.
Find each of your spelling words and words with similar sounds. Once you have found them all, put 10 of them into detailed, descriptive sentences. Good luck and have fun!!
Viewed 3319 times - Created by jhs.
Find each of your spelling words and words with similar sounds. Once you have found them all, put 10 of them into detailed, descriptive sentences. Good luck and have fun!!
Viewed 2538 times - Created by jhs.
Find each of your spelling words and words with similar sounds. Once you have found them all, put 10 of them into detailed, descriptive sentences. Good luck and have fun!!
Viewed 4864 times - Created by jhs.
Find each of your spelling words and words with similar sounds. Once you have found them all, put 10 of them into detailed, descriptive sentences. Good luck and have fun!!
Viewed 1861 times - Created by jhs.
Viewed 828 times - Created by tddelp.
Words we should use
Viewed 2845 times - Created by Windhill Primary School.
This week we are looking at words that have the sounds 'e' as in bed and 'ed' as in head. Complete this word search and colour the words that have this sound.
Viewed 923 times - Created by sarahhemphill.
This week we are looking at words that have the sounds 'e' as in bed and 'ed' as in head. Complete this word search and colour the words that have this sound.
Viewed 962 times - Created by sarahhemphill.