This word search is about world war 2 in germany. Here are fact about the book and the war. Hope you learn lots!
Viewed 2813 times - Created by ashleybug.
This Word Search is extra credit for our study of Prohibition.
Viewed 4166 times - Created by dawn.denap.


Viewed 5353 times - Created by Matthew6b.
SC Early History includes terms from the early exploration of the region along with the Native American time periods.
Viewed 3176 times - Created by TJolly.
World History Word Search 1 Contains key terms that every history student needs to know as well as terminology from Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt.
Viewed 3441 times - Created by TJolly.
Yalta conference Potsdam conference Germany Nazi 1945
Viewed 2855 times - Created by alisanaee.
Yalta conference Potsdam conference Germany Nazi 1945
Viewed 3057 times - Created by alisanaee.
Viewed 4912 times - Created by craych01.
This word search contains vocabulary to do with the Aztecs and the Spanish explorers we have been learning about.
Viewed 4003 times - Created by kathleenmcbride.
Can you find all the words?
Viewed 2835 times - Created by grier.
Can you find all the words?
Viewed 2878 times - Created by grier.
Can you find all the words?
Viewed 3853 times - Created by grier.
Can you find all the words?
Viewed 6183 times - Created by grier.
SENIOR-In Evul mediu, stăpân al unui domeniu asupra căruia își exercită și unele atribute ale puterii de stat. VASAL- In Evul mediu, persoană, stat care se afla în raporturi de vasalitate față de un senior sau de un alt stat;Persoană care, în schimbul unui beneficiu sau feude, datora suzeranului său omagiu, fidelitate și avea obligații civile și militare față de acesta; ( Persoană vasală. Stat vasal.) CAVALER- (În Evul Mediu, în Apusul și în Centrul Europei) Titlu nobiliar conferit, inițial pentru fapte de arme, de rege sau de un reprezentant al lui.Titlu dat unei persoane dintr-un ordin cavaleresc, laic sau religios. CLER -Totalitatea preoților unei biserici, ai unei țări.Preotime. FEUD-suprafata de pamant acordata de senior vasalului său in schimbul unor servicii BREASLA (În Evul Mediu) Asociație de meșteșugari de aceeași branșă, creată pentru apărarea intereselor comune; organizație închisă a meșterilor. HANSA -Asociație, companie comercială occidentală în Evul mediu.
Viewed 5876 times - Created by Georgiana Socoliu.
United Nations
Viewed 4047 times - Created by dlinquist.
Gough Whitlam
Viewed 2982 times - Created by dlinquist.
This contains all the words that will pretty much sum up the executive branch for you
Viewed 3216 times - Created by sky5471.
Civil Rights Movement & Activist
Viewed 3166 times - Created by t2015.
Find The Mayan Words
Viewed 2328 times - Created by emst254.
Snowy Mountains Scheme
Viewed 2312 times - Created by dlinquist.
221 to 240 of 5700 in 285 pages
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