Church and Religion
Text: Luke 7:16-23. Title: “The Heart of Disability Ministry” Outline (I give the same outline to kids and adults) Let me know if you want/need more than this. The Question The Answer What it means for us today 2-3 sentence summary directed to kids: God made you and He made everyone in the world. When you look around you realize that God made every one of us different and special. This morning as we look at the Bible, we are going to see that Jesus loved to spend time with people of all abilities and He welcomed them to be part of His family. Memory verse Exodus 34:6-7
Viewed 1827 times - Created by bdsmith.
Exodus 14:15-31 The Red Sea Summary: Today we are going to hear about the greatest miracle in the Old Testament: the moment when God parted the Red Sea and saved His people Israel from the army of Egypt. Let's see today how God was glorified (honored and worshipped) as He saved his people and judged His enemies: Outline: 1. God gets glory as He leads and protects His people 2. God gets glory as He judges the wicked 3. God gets glory as He saves His people Verse: Hebrews 11:29 By faith the people crossed the Red Sea as on dry land... Discussion Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How does God gain glory in the Exodus? How is God glorified in the judgment of the wicked, as well as the salvation of His people? 2. Why do many people want to find a natural explanation for the Red Sea crossing? How does this passage show that this is clearly a supernatural act of God? 3. Why does the New Testament compare Moses to Jesus? (See Heb. 3:1-6) How is Jesus the better Moses, and how might this account of the Exodus teach us more about our great salvation through Christ? 4. When God's people saw the mighty judgment on Egypt, and God's great salvation, it says that they
Viewed 10790 times - Created by bdsmith.


Exodus 14:1-14 The Lord Will Fight for Your Summary: When you are afraid, what do you do? Do you go to your parents? Do you hide? Do you pray for God's help? Today in Exodus let's watch how God stepped in when His people are in trouble. The army of Egypt chased them down in the desert, but God fought for His people, and He fights for us too. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. The Lord of glory has a battle plan 2. The evil one wants you back 3. Stand firm and watch the Lord fight for you Verse: Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” Discussion Questions: 1. In this passage, God led his people into what seemed like a vulnerable position that actually led Egypt to pursue them. Why did God do this? Is there an application for us in this? 2. When Pharaoh and his army pursued Israel, they turned on Moses (see 14:10-12). After tasting the freedom we have in Christ, how might we be tempted to turn back to our old life when a crisis comes? 3. Moses rebukes Israel by telling them to
Viewed 2629 times - Created by bdsmith.
Exodus 13:17-22 The Glory Cloud Summary: How do you know that God is with you every day? When Israel left Egypt, God gave them something amazing: a giant pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire at night to guide them and show them that He was with them. Sometimes we might wish for something like that. But believe it or not, God gives us something even better! Let's think about how God cared for His people, then and now: Outline: 1. The wisdom of God 2. The promise of God 3. The presence of God Verse: Exodus 13:21 And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light.... Discussion Questions: 1. Why did God guide Israel in the opposite direction of their destination? How does this show God's wisdom? How might God's plan for you feel like this at times? 2. Why was it so significant for Israel to carry Joseph's bones out of Egypt? How does this show us what it means to believe God's promises? 3. What did the pillar of cloud and fire show Israel? While we might wish for something like this in our lives, how can we know that God is present and guiding us today?
Viewed 2603 times - Created by bdsmith.
God is faithful
Viewed 2238 times - Created by bdsmith.
God's Judgment and the Law
Viewed 1849 times - Created by bdsmith.
God's Righteous Judgment
Viewed 1905 times - Created by bdsmith.
God's Wrath on Unrighteous
Viewed 1981 times - Created by bdsmith.
Exodus 13:1-3, 11-16 Set Apart the Firstborn Summary: Did you know that you belong to God? Today we'll hear about another command that God gave to Israel to help them remember how He rescued His people from slavery. Because God required the lives of the firstborn in Egypt, He also called Israel to set apart all the firstborn in Israel, not for death, but as a sign of His ownership and salvation. Let's think about what it means to belong completely to the Lord together: Outline: 1. God our Father owns you completely 2. The power of redemption saves you from death 3. Tell your children they belong to the Lord 4. Jesus Christ is God's true firstborn Verse: Exodus 4:22 Thus says the Lord,
Viewed 19560 times - Created by bdsmith.
Romans 1:8-17
Viewed 2181 times - Created by bdsmith.
Words from Rom 1:1-17
Viewed 2398 times - Created by bdsmith.
words from Matt 28
Viewed 1933 times - Created by bdsmith.
A Feast to Remember Exodus 12:43-50; 13:3-10 Summary: Every month when we take the Lord's Supper, we stop to look back and remember what Jesus did for us on the cross. Even more, God promises to meet us there and give us grace to make us spiritually strong in Christ. This is so much like what God commanded Israel to do when they ate the Passover meal and celebrated a special holiday called
Viewed 2121 times - Created by bdsmith.
Revelation 7:9-17 NRSV
Viewed 1525 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Matthew 26:36-46
Viewed 1462 times - Created by bdsmith.
Exodus 12:29-42 Get Out! Summary: Today we finally see God completely defeating his enemies and delivering his people from slavery. But why is this so important for us? Let's see how God judges his enemies and saves his people to see why we need to hear this: Outline: 1. The judgment of God is inevitable 2. The Exodus of God is unstoppable 3. The care of God over us is perpetual Verse: Exodus 12:31 (ESV)31 Then he summoned Moses and Aaron by night and said, “Up, go out from among my people, both you and the people of Israel; and go, serve the Lord, as you have said. Discussion Questions: 1. How does the night of the final plague foreshadow God's final judgment? What might have been the Israelite's experience that night as the judgment of God fell around them? 2. Why might there be so many small details included in this account of the Exodus? (For example, v. 34 about the kneading bowls, v. 39 about unleavened bread, the number of people in v. 37, etc.). How might this help us as we read this historical event? 3. How is God's constant watchful care proved to us in this event? 4. What about these events should deepen our faith in Christ and trust in Him as we live in this evil world?
Viewed 1539 times - Created by bdsmith.
These words were in our lessons for June and July. See if you can find all of them.
Viewed 2634 times - Created by bbbilger.
Ephesians 4:1-16 NRSV
Viewed 1866 times - Created by lamcelroy.
1 Kings 18:1-19, 36-46 Open the Gates!
Viewed 1867 times - Created by bdsmith.
Ephesians 2:11-22 NRSV
Viewed 1947 times - Created by lamcelroy.
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