CCD Class
Viewed 1120 times - Created by Pleahy.
Find each of the Lenten words in the word search below.
Viewed 3585 times - Created by scrain424.
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Viewed 3649 times - Created by gfoxxy.
David--King and Shepherd
Viewed 1620 times - Created by PastorJuliet.
Jesus Talks With The Samaritan Woman
Viewed 2068 times - Created by sbarkmann.
Jesus Talks With The Samaritan Woman
Viewed 4918 times - Created by sbarkmann.
The church as a body, a building, and a bride
Viewed 2248 times - Created by jdraper3.
Spiritual gifts
Viewed 1782 times - Created by Ann Brock.
Deborah and Gideon were heores in the Bible who were brave and followed God's commands.
Viewed 1349 times - Created by Cheryline.
Speaking to Pharaoh
Viewed 1929 times - Created by ladybug2.
Speaking to Pharaoh
Viewed 1583 times - Created by ladybug2.
class students and fun facts
Viewed 1451 times - Created by kinkeadd.
class students and fun facts
Viewed 1321 times - Created by kinkeadd.
The words in this puzzle describe the apostle Paul's letter to the Corinthians encouraging believers in Christ to use their God given talents and abilities to serve God. All believers belong to the same body. Each person is an important part of this body.
Viewed 3942 times - Created by Alimaynew.
The practice of marriage is one of the universal aspects of the human experience. It is an ancient practice, bound by tradition, customs and laws. Throughmarriage, new families begin and established ones continue into a new generation.
In the United States today, marriage is changing. An increased divorce rate and more single-parent families are altering young people's attitudes toward marriage. The increasing acceptability of living together as an alternative isa factor in the decline of the number of couples getting married. In addition, homosexuals are seeking the recognition of their long-term partnerships astrue marriages. And yet for all this change, some aspects of marriage remainremarkably the same.
Viewed 4369 times - Created by laurentay.
For Catholics, the Sacrament of Marriage, or Holy Matrimony, is a public sign that one gives oneself totally to this other person. It is also a public statement about God: the loving union of husband and wife speaks of family values and also God's values.
Viewed 9575 times - Created by laurentay.
Holy Orders are the several different degrees of ordained ministries recognized by the Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Anglican churches. For Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism, holy orders rank among the seven sacraments. Anglicans regard ordination as a
Viewed 7503 times - Created by laurentay.
These words can all be found in the Lord's Prayer.
Viewed 2835 times - Created by stb1115.
These words can all be found in the Lord's Prayer.
Viewed 5376 times - Created by stb1115.
Here are some words associated with the Annunciation of the Lord.
Viewed 7024 times - Created by catholicmumma.