Titus 2:3-5
Spiritual Mothers
Take a look around and the ladies in our church. God has blessed us with so many godly spiritual mothers! But what is their role in our lives? Let's listen to Titus today and think about their important calling in our church.
1. The godly older woman and her church
2. The godly older woman and her God
3. The godly older woman and her character
4. The godly older woman and her ministry
Verse: Proverbs 31:26 She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. How should the church be equipping the spiritual mothers of our church for their work?
2. The phrase
Viewed 800 times - Created by bdsmith.
Portrait of a Gray Headed Saint
Titus 2:1-2
Take a look around the worship center this morning and what will you see? You will see people who are young, old, men and women, boys and girls, and people from all over the world. God's Word calls people to live out the Gospel in every stage of life. Today, let's listen as God's Word instructs older men to pursue godliness:
1. Our doctrine and our behavior are deeply related
2. The portrait of a godly older man:
a. A man with self-control
b. A man of spiritual health
Verse: Titus 2:2 Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. How is our doctrine (what we believe) and our behavior related? How does your set of beliefs and the way you live match up? Is there a disconnect between the two?
2. How does Paul exhort older men in this passage? Why are they particularly called to these set of virtues? Why is it so powerful to have such godly men among us?
3. Since these qualities ought to be pursued by all believers, how does a love for Christ and resting in his grace cultivate these things in us? In which of these areas do you need to pursue growth?
Viewed 1470 times - Created by bdsmith.
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Scriptural Reading: Psalms 1 &2
Main Point: What is the surest path to God: Study or Prayer?”
Memory Verse: But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law he meditates day and night (Psalms 1:2)
Viewed 1216 times - Created by bdsmith.
Satan wants to hurt God's church! Sometimes he will use false teachers to bring harm. Today let's hear God's Word teach us about how to spot lies and how Jesus protects his church.
What does a false teacher look like?
Their character
Their errors
How do we deal with them?
Godly leadership
Godly confrontation
Verse: Titus 2:1 But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. How does Paul describe the character of false teachers? How does he describe their teaching? How might these be helpful for us as a church today? Where might you need to be on guard against false teaching today?
2. How does Paul exhort us to deal with false teachers? What part do godly leaders play in protecting Christ's church?
3. How does the teaching of sound doctrine and the purity of the Gospel protect God's church? How can you commit yourself to know and love this sound teaching in the Word?
Viewed 872 times - Created by bdsmith.
Stewards of God's House
Titus 1:5-9
God has given many gifts to the church, and one of them is her leaders. Being an elder in the church is a big job, but it is also a joy to serve God's people. Let's remember to pray for them! Let's listen today to learn what God thinks of elders:
1. God wants us to choose our leaders wisely
2. The characteristics of God's stewards (elders):
a. Godly family life
b. Personal character
c. Godly in relationships
d. Sound doctrine
Verse: Titus 1:7a For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Why do you think Paul gives such a detailed set of criteria for those who serve as elders in
the church? What is at stake?
2. What should this set of qualifications do in YOU, even if you are not called to be an elder?
3. With such a high set of qualifications, how should this shape our search for elders at NCPC?
Will you commit to pray for this process at our church?
Viewed 833 times - Created by bdsmith.
Stewards of God's House
Titus 1:5-9
God has given many gifts to the church, and one of them is her leaders. Being an elder in the church is a big job, but it is also a joy to serve God's people. Let's remember to pray for them! Let's listen today to learn what God thinks of elders:
1. God wants us to choose our leaders wisely
2. The characteristics of God's stewards (elders):
a. Godly family life
b. Personal character
c. Godly in relationships
d. Sound doctrine
Verse: Titus 1:7a For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Why do you think Paul gives such a detailed set of criteria for those who serve as elders in
the church? What is at stake?
2. What should this set of qualifications do in YOU, even if you are not called to be an elder?
3. With such a high set of qualifications, how should this shape our search for elders at NCPC?
Will you commit to pray for this process at our church?
Viewed 862 times - Created by bdsmith.
Titus 1:1-4
Dear Titus...
Summary: Have you ever written or received a letter in the mail? Not an email, but a real paper letter! This used to be the only way for people to talk from far away. The apostle Paul wrote many, and his letter to a man named Titus was one that we have in the Bible. We'll start to look at it together today, and see that God has given us his Word through the Apostles so we can grow in our faith.
1. The gift of Apostles
2. The faith of a true son
3. The grace of God through Jesus
Verse: Titus 1:4 Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. How does Paul describe himself and his ministry in this passage?
2. How would you describe your hope of eternal life (v.2)? On what is it based?
3. Why do you think Paul calls Titus a
Viewed 1377 times - Created by bdsmith.
Exodus 36:8-40:38 The Glory Descends
Summary: Today we finish Exodus! Let's think about our own relationship with God as we listen to the time when God's people built the tabernacle and God descended to be with them. God is with you too! Jesus promises
Viewed 891 times - Created by bdsmith.
Romans 6:1-11 NRSV
Viewed 981 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Exodus 35:1-36:7
Bringing Gifts
Summary: Do you love to receive gifts? Most of us do! But do you also love to give gifts? There is a special joy in giving to others as we bless them. But maybe one of our best joys ought to be in giving to the Lord. God's people got caught up in the joy of giving to the Lord and his tabernacle. Today let's find the joy of giving as we look at Exodus again:
1. Receive the gift of rest
2. Embrace the joy of giving
Verse: Exodus 35:5
Viewed 1116 times - Created by bdsmith.
Exodus 34
A Renewed Promise
God is full of grace and mercy when we fail! Today in our sermon in Exodus, we will see God graciously renew his promise and love for his people, even though they had sinned terribly when they made the golden calf. We also sin every day, and yet God is full of grace to us. Do you believe this good news? Let's think about it:
1. A renewed promise, after failure
2. Renewed obedience, after forgiveness
3. Unfading glory, in the face of Jesus
Viewed 1338 times - Created by bdsmith.
Romans 1:11-17 NRSV
Viewed 4756 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Exodus 33
Show Me Your Glory
Summary: There are three things we all need, and they are all seen in Exodus 33 when Moses meets with God. We all need God's presence, God's friendship, and God's glory. Moses asks for God to go with his people on their journey. He speaks to God face to face, as friends do. And then Moses asks to see God's glory. God has given us all these things too, fulfilled in our relationship with Jesus:
1. The presence of God
2. Friendship with God
3. The glory of God
Verse: Exodus 33:18 Moses said, “Please show me your glory.”
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Why does God at first tell Israel that he will not travel with them? Why did this happen and what would it mean for Israel if they did not have God's presence? How has God promised to be with you today?
2. How did God speak with Moses (vv.7-11)? How do you as a believer have such friendship with God now? How is this fulfilled in Jesus?
3. Why is it so shocking that Moses asked to see God's glory? Why can we not see God's glory now? And yet, how have we seen it? (2 Cor. 4:6). How will we see the glory of God one day? How can this give you hope? (See Matt. 5:8; Rev. 22:4)
Viewed 7322 times - Created by bdsmith.
Acts 13:1-3; 14:8-18
Viewed 4661 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Exodus 32
The Golden Calf
Today, it might seem funny to read about Israel making a statue of a golden cow, and then bowing down to it in worship. How could they so easily forget God? But that is what we'll see in Exodus today. The question for us is this: we might not make golden cows, but what things or people do we make more important than God in our lives? Let's think about it:
1. How idolatry tempts us
2. How idolatry hurts us
3. How God saves us from our idols
Verse: 1 Corinthians 10:14 Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. What do we learn about the character of idolatry in Exodus 32? Why does Israel demand Aaron to make them a god?
2. How did idolatry bring great harm to Israel? What were the consequences they felt as a result of their sin, and how might the idols in your life bring you spiritual or temporal consequences?
3. How did Moses intercede for the people before God? How does he show us glimpses of Jesus' our perfect mediator?
4. What are the idols in your own life that need to be addressed? How can God shatter them by the superior power of his love in Christ?
Viewed 2468 times - Created by bdsmith.
Exodus 31:12-18
The Sign of the Sabbath
Did you know that God has given us one special day every week? God loves us so much that he has given us the weekly gift of a day where we get to stop from our normal work. Can you guess what day it is? It is the Lord's Day. In Exodus God calls it the
Viewed 1494 times - Created by bdsmith.
Exodus 31:1-11
Art for the Glory of God
Summary: Did you know that God loves beautiful art? Do you like art too? God himself is the great artist, creating all things for his glory, and he wants us to love all things that are true and good and beautiful as well. Let's look in Exodus today at two people to whom God gave great skill and wisdom to make the beauty of the tabernacle for God's worship:
1. The calling and gifts of the artist
2. The goal of the artist
3. The hope of the artist
Exodus 31:3 ...and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship...
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. What are your thoughts about art? How do we decide what is true and good and beautiful? How is that often twisted in our culture today?
2. How are the calling and gifts of Bezalel and Oholiab described in Exodus 31? Why are they significant for our understanding of the tabernacle? How does they calling help us understand all vocations that God might give us?
3. How did the tabernacle reflect the character of God as good, true and beautiful? How might this shape our understanding of all artistic or creative endeavors? What does it mean to engage in all these things for the glory of God?
4. How might all this artistic work in Exodus help us as we live in a sin cursed world that is often ugly? How does Jesus' work give us hope?
Viewed 9875 times - Created by bdsmith.
Romans 8:31-39
Easter Changes Everything
Summary: Happy Easter! He is risen indeed! Easter is one of the best days of the year, because we remember that Jesus died and rose from the dead to save us from our sins. Today we'll look at the Bible to see how Easter changes everything if you trust in Jesus. We are more than conquerors through him who loves us.
1. If Jesus did not die and rise, everything is against us
2. The hope of Easter: Jesus DID die and rise to save us
3. The promise: because of Jesus victory, we are more than conquerors
Verse: Romans 8:34a Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised...
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. Read the larger context of Romans 8. In the flow of Paul's thought, what are
Viewed 919 times - Created by bdsmith.
Exodus 30
Altar of Prayer
Summary: God loves to hear us pray to him. He wants us to speak to him, and bring all our thoughts and needs before him. In Israel, the prayers of God's people was a central part of their life together. Today let's listen as God instructs them for regular worship and work in the tabernacle, including prayer:
1. Your prayers are a sweet aroma to God
2. Atonement and cleansing allows our prayers to be heard
Verse: Psalm 141:2a Let my prayer be counted as incense before you...
Questions for devotions and family worship:
1. What was the purpose of the altar of incense? What is the significance of incense in the Bible? )See psalm 141:1-2, Luke 1:8-10). How is it connected to prayer?
2. How might it change your prayers to know that God regards them as a
Viewed 1932 times - Created by bdsmith.
How Can We Experience God?
Exodus 12:1-27
Here are themes:
God’s presence with us,
God taking our punishment to rescue us from judgment.
Freedom from sin and condemnation and shame.
Having an ongoing, daily experience of communion with God.
Viewed 1155 times - Created by bdsmith.