Edgar Allen Poe
Viewed 926 times - Created by Gladys Hernandez.
Edgar Allen Poe
Viewed 825 times - Created by Gladys Hernandez.
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Last week I gave you some background information on Pearl S. Buck, the author of the short story you are reading (The Good Deed). Below is a word search so awesome, it has the word awesome in the title! For a 100 homework grade, complete the word search by tomorrow 9/21
Viewed 1183 times - Created by casiewex.
All words in this list are associated with Antigone. The words are placed backwards, forward, diagonally, up, and down.
Viewed 6640 times - Created by akh3f.
Find some important words from The Ballad of Mulan in this Word Search.
Viewed 2354 times - Created by msapple47.
Spelling Words - The Short e,o, and u sounds
Viewed 828 times - Created by thefsugirl.
Find the following words.
Viewed 582 times - Created by ali_loves_you.
It contains the word list at the bottom and hidden words in the top scrambled together that you have to find.
Viewed 763 times - Created by cugge.
Find characters from JK Rowling's novel Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Viewed 711 times - Created by lamouton.
Find and circle all of the words in Psal 103:2
Viewed 1143 times - Created by sestes.
Have pictures of withches and a word bank
Viewed 1093 times - Created by fgrd.
Key terms
Viewed 1022 times - Created by teachforindependence.
These are key terms from the reading...Find as many of the words as you can!
Viewed 985 times - Created by Laurenw.
The character's in Romeo and Juliet
Viewed 915 times - Created by lafaye.
A Harry Potter word search
Viewed 990 times - Created by Aaron101.
Children's Reading Puzzle
Viewed 2993 times - Created by KrissyE.
Matthew Corrigan- Spelling True Confession....
Viewed 4392 times - Created by matthew.
Spelling Words
Viewed 1524 times - Created by suzie.
Find words from the book
Viewed 1977 times - Created by mrsjohnson.
spelling words
Viewed 1657 times - Created by buckylou.