Genesis 44
Take Me Instead
Today’s sermon is titled “Take Me Instead.” There are many amazing stories that tell of someone who is willing to trade their life to save the life of someone else. Today listen for Judah, one of Jacob’s sons, willingly offering to become a slave for life in place of his brother Benjamin. Why would he do this? We could also ask, why would Jesus be willing to suffer God’s punishment in OUR place? Judah’s sacrifice shows the work of God in His life, AND he shows us what Jesus came to do for YOU and ME. Let’s think about it:
1. The test: will I save my own skin?
2. The confession: I am guilty
3. The substitute: greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friend
Ephesians 5:2 And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Discussion questions:
1. How does this last test in Genesis 44 bring up the same temptations that led Joseph’s brothers to sell him into slavery? Why is Joseph bringing this all about? How might you be tempted to “save yourself” in situations you also face?
2. What is the response of the brothers when they are caught by Joseph? How did Judah respond? How does Judah show us what Jesus would come to do for us?
4. How might God want you to own personal guilt like these brothers did? How should this story help Jesus’ sacrifice shine more brightly to you?
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